The Thirst Is Real{Pt1}

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Yn~Whatever nothing now get out my goddamn way(pushes Archie against the wall and goes in your room and goes to sleep)

Archie~(goes back in the living room and go to sleep)


Yn~(wake up and do hygiene then goes down stairs)

Payton~good morning baby

Yn~good morning (kisses Payton)

Archie~good morning Yn

Yn~don't talk to me

Archie~I see somebody's not a morning person

Yn~no I'm not an Archie person so shut up

Archie~no you shut up

Yn~no you're not my daddy

Archie~that's not what you was saying when(Get Cut Off)

Christian~can the both of y'all just shut the fuck up?

Yn~(cross arm)but he star(Get cut off)

Christian~what I say?



Christian~Archie leave her alone please.

Archie~ard fine

Payton~(Text ya phone)


Payton~what did he mean by you didn't say that when......?




Payton~(looks at you)

Yn~(looks at Payton and storms upstairs)

Christian~what's wrong with her?

Payton~I don't know but I'm bouta find out(go follow you upstairs)baby what's wrong?

Yn~You wanna know what's wrong(crying)I used to date Archie in middle school and I broke up with him because he cheated on me and last night he told me he still got feelings for me and he gonna try to get us separated and I'm gonna be his again.That's why he said that's not what you said when....he was gonna say when I was calling him daddy but Christian cut him off but we never did nothing like that he just tryna make you not want me anymore.

Payton~why didn't you been tell me this?

Yn~I don't know I was scared that we wouldn't be together anymore.

Payton~I'm not gonna let him break us up we will break up on our own terms not his(kiss you)

Yn~(leans back away from the kiss)I don't want to kiss right now(cracking in voice)

Payton~ok I understand.

Yn~I'm sorry

Payton~it's cool I'm not mad at you.

Yn~ok but can you just keep this between us two ?I don't want Christian to know because he's already too over protective.

Payton~yeah,speaking of us keeping things from christian um when we gonna tell him bout us,what we've been doing with out his permission?

Yn~i don';t know when ever the time is right,right now it isn't for me cuz Archie here and I don't want any more drama

Payton~yeah,well i'ma go back down stairs until you feel better,ok?


Payton~(leaves the room and goes down stairs)

Everybody~(starts to leave)

Archie~um yo Nash can I talk to you outside before you leave?

Nash~yeah(goes outside)wassup?

Archie~um do you have Yn number?

Nash~yeah why?

Archie~I want her number I feel like we haven't been talking in a while so I wanna start back talking to her.

Nash~ard(gives Archie your #)

Archie~thanks man I'll catch ya later.


Archie~(goes back in the house)yo Chris I'm out yo

Christian~ard yo,where's ya girlfriend?

Archie~oh she left last night

Christian~oh rd I'll talk to you later


Payton~yeah man I'm bouta leave to but i'ma go say bye to Yn first before I leave.


Payton~(goes up to your room and stand by the door way)baby I'm bouta leave,ok?


Payton~can I have a kiss before I go?

Yn~(shakes head yes)

Payton~(walks over to your bed and bend down for a kiss)

Yn~(kiss back)

Payton~(break kiss)ard bye


Payton~(leaves and go home)

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