Im Pregnant {Pt1}

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Payton~bae who you texting?


Payton~oh ok(phone rings)hello

Ronald~wassup yo?


Ronald~you good?

Payton~yeah i'm good

Ronald~that's,wassup i'ma come round there later on ard?


Ronald~(hang up the phone)

kai~(Text Yn's phone)

KaillySwag_Riches~Yall home?


KaillySwag_Riches~ard we rey come round there


Kai,Christian,Ronald~(arrive at pay house at the same time)

Ronald~wassup yall?


Kai~hi(go in the house)

Chris and Ronald~(go in the house and greet everybody)

Payton~kai when is ya baby shower?

Kai~in two months

Payton~oh rd

Kayla~(coming down the stairs talking on the phone)i don't care you shouldn't never had done what you did it's over

Justin~i said i was sorry

Kayla~sorry?what if my brother died sorry wasn't gonna bring him back would it?you just lucky he's alive cuz if he wasnt you were not gonna live long(hang up)

Payton~that was justin?

Kayla~yeah dont worry we're done and im not planning on going back to him

Payton~that's good


Yn~(jump out of your sleep to throw up)awww shit

Payton~baby you ard?

Yn~i feel sick i think im pregnant can you run to the store please?

Payton~yeah(get dress and head in the guest room)Kayla wake up

Kayla~nigga what do you want?I'm tryna sleep

Payton~get up

Kayla~fine i'm up now tell me what the hell you want?

Payton~danm you gotta be that mean when you wake up?anyways yn is upstairs throwing up and i gotta run to the store and get a pregnancy test cuz she think she prego can you go upstairs with her and keep an eye on her?

Kayla~yeah why you aint been tell me that?

Payton~cuz you was....never mind  just go upstairs(drive to the store)

Kayla~(go upstairs)Yn you ok?

Yn~no i think I'm pregnant

Kayla~did yall use a rubber?

Yn~no we said we was gonna try with out one when kai is 4 months to try and make a baby

Kayla~well looks like yall got the baby

Payton~(running up the stairs)here you go

Kayla~danm nigga that was quick

Payton~ard come out the bathroom so she can take the test

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