All Dreams Come True~The Sequel{Pt 3}

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Finally we fought and I don't feel bad for beating her ass she have been running her mouth for the longest and now that finally happened its a relief but now we just gotta sit back and see What happens with her and the shit she bringing back if that even happens


Kayla~(knock on the door)

Christian~(open door)

Kayla~ohhh what the fuck is wrong with ya face?

Christian~nothing is wrong with my face just with my eye

Kayla~why is it purple and swollen? Did you and Kai have a little argument and she won?(giggle)

Christian~ha real her and Cassie was fighting and I tried to break it up and Cassie punched me in the eye

Kayla~(walk in)damn I missed it?nobody recorded it?


Kayla~good send it to my phone. So y'all finally fought huh?

Kai~yeah I was getting so tired of her and the bull shit She tried to pull like she was with the shits but I showed her who the fuck is the fighting champ

Kayla~was you planning on fighting? Cuz I see ya hair in a bun and u got on something comfortable that you could fight in

Kai~(Giggle)no it wasn't even like that I was just coming here for the kids time together and I called her a bitch that what started the fight

Kayla~so you just came in here  calling  people  bitches?(giggle)

Kai~naw I said I wasn't worried about that bitch and she said bitch?I ain't no bitch and so on and so forth

Kayla~dang I can't believe I missed the fight that I have been waiting on for 3 years and the day come and I wasn't here to instigate

Payton~girl shush

Kayla ~what?to be honest Cassie was never my cup of tea she always seemed to be acting stuck up like the world owe her something.

Payton~true but ayye that's over for now

Kai~true but she gone come back and I'll be waiting

Payton~Chris ya girlfriend  is crazy as fuck 

Christian~(chuckle)don't forget about who you're dating you got the crazy one too you ain't got no angel

Yn~hey I am not crazy and I'm an angel

Christian~ha you thought you was

Yn~what? OK fine what do I do that's crazy?

Christian ~everything

Yn~no tell me what i be doing that's crazy

Christian~ok for one you're a clean freak one crumb on the floor or something you go insane yelling at the top of ya lungs like somebody killing you then at that the time when you got mad at me when we went to the mall and I was taking for ever and you was ready to go then when I finally came out you pulled off leaving me there for 1 hour talking bout I hope you learned ya lesson not to take all day,like what?

Yn~that's not crazy I was showing you not to be forever with me

Christian~is that crazy or nah y'all?

Everybody except payton~yeah that's crazy

Christian~right pay?


Yn~what pay?

Payton~nothing baby it's not crazy

Christian~you is crazy up here bullying ya boyfriend

Yn~(giggle)he knows I'm just playing


Kayla~where is Kaistian and Daylyn?

Yn~in the room you want them?


Yn~ok(go get the kids)

Kayla~hey,how are my babies?

Daylyn~hey aunt kayla

Kaistain~hi auntie k

Kayla~what have y'all been up to?


Kayla~Y'all have been good?

Both ~yes

Kayla~good go ahead and finish playing

Both~(Run off)

Kayla~they are getting so big I can't believe next year they will be 4

Payton~i know right I still can't believe I have a daughter I never really wanted kids till I got in a relationship with Yn

Christian~i know me either.I got a lil boy and we not stoping yet I just want 1 or 2 more

Kai~but you ain't the one that got to go through the pain and push them out

Christian~but I know you love me that much that you'll do that for me 1 or 2 more times

Kai~(giggle)boy bye

Yn~i'm actually happy that you two started dating again instead of Christian and Cassie staying together even though what Chris did was wrong but y'all make a cute ass couple and a handsome ass lil boy

Kai~same to you and pay.Daylyn is beautiful like her mother with her mother same smart mouth

Kayla~and she can be sweet sometimes like her big head father

Payton & Yn~(Laugh)that's my baby

Payton ~actually that's our baby(kiss Yn)

Yn~what was that for?

Payton ~just a lil thanks for giving me my first child,being my first at everything we did and do

Kayla~(raven symone voice)ya lil nasties

Payton~(chuckle)And for being the best fiance and best person you ever could possibly be that a man could ever have and would die to have.

Yn~you're very welcome it is my pleasure to be your fiance and hopefully soon we'll really get this marriage going

Payton~don't worry baby without a doubt it's gone happen soon

Kayla~awww stop it y'all gone make me cry yall L♥ve is A1

Yn~(giggle)Thank you and baby that will be the best time of my life well you know aside from having Daylyn

Payton~(chuckle)yeah I know and it will be the best marriage you have seen yet

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