Chapter 1

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Evan's POV:

'If the devil asks you to dance, you better say never. Because the dance with the devil will last you forever' I reminded myself as I stared out the car window as we drove out of Glenn's Falls, leaving my home town hurts more than I expected. I wish my father didn't die, I wish my mother would of never met my stepfather. The only good thing about my moms marriage to my step father was having a new brother. My new brother's name was Tyler but I called him Wildcat. That's the only good thing about this marriage to me. The rest of them would say being a little piece of shit, I don't disagree with them.

"Four more hours till we reach Shadows Hill!" My step father said, "four more hours to hell..." I mumbled under my breath. He looked back at me through the mirror with a disappointing look. "Honey, moving could be the best thing ever for you! You could meet your wife here...." My mother said turning around to me and smiling. Her smile made me feel safe, she's the only reason that I've stayed in this family. "Yeah, or you won't and you'll die alone!" My step father said. Anger was growing in me and it feels like it could burst any second. "Don't say that, he is handsome and he will find someone" My mother said backing me up. I smiled at her and then continued to look out the car window. "Here, I know you're grounded but you looked extremely bored" my mother said handing me my iPhone with headphones. "Thanks mom" I said smiling at her, she nodded and looked back at the road.

I put the ear buds in turned my music on, I continued to stare out the car window. Truth is, I've been having really bad dreams. The same dream has been occurring since I could walk. Hell since I was even born, the same dream over and over again. As if it was trying to tell me something. A man wearing a black mask as if he was in a masquerade would always be holding me as he was dipping me to the ground. He would dip and twirl me around, we'd dance for a while. He would then would bring my wrist up to his mouth, a pair of fangs would grow and I would force myself to wake up.

His face was a face you'd never forget, ever. He would never speak but his eyes would speak for him. His eyes practically were telling me to love and trust him. The dream would only last about four hours, then I'd wake up and never go back to sleep. Some days I wake up screaming and my mother would run in and hold me. "Evan, honey we are here" my mother said turning around and looking at me. I slowly rolled my eyes to look at her, she gave me a soft smile. I gave a soft one back and looked back out the window. The sign entering the town said "Welcome to Shadow Hills!", "where you're forced to move with a step father" I said in a pissy tone. I heard my step father sigh, Tyler padded my shoulder "It will get better..." Tyler said as I could tell he was looking at me. "It won't..." I mumbled under my breath as I stared at the buildings we pasted.

"Shadow Bank" a pasting building said, I would never trust my money here. They could be using your money to buy things behind your back. "Shadow Inn" a hotel. "Shadow Market" a market. "Shadow Hills Victory" a sports store. This place looks quote on quote family friendly. "Shadow Yard" a fucking grave yard. Really family friendly, very family friendly.

"Oh look boys! Your school!" My mother said pointing to a school. "Shadow High" sounds like fucking hell. Tyler rolled the window down and stuck his head out like a dog, "When are we enrolling?" Tyler asked in a cheerful voice. My mother smiled "Now" she said as my step father pulled into the school parking lot. I grunted as they tried to find a spot. "Do I really have to go in... Couldn't I just give you my ID and you could do it for me?" I said grunting as I started to take my seat belt off. My mother turned around and looked at me with a snarl. "You are going in Evan, you will be enrolled" she said. I looked at her with a frown, "I could drop out and become a male stripper or a drug lord" I said with a smirk. I've never seen her face so anger before, "Fine I'm going" I said opening the door and getting out.

Once we entered the school a weird feeling came upon me, it felt as if I was being watched. The main office was down the hall, "this place gives me the creeps..." I said walking up to my mom. The school was nice don't get me wrong, it looked like an old castle. It reminds me of a small Hogwarts. I'm guessing the kids were in between classes because they flooded the hallways, some have Tyler and I a look as if they were going to eat us. One girl was at her locker, she had two pigtales in her hair, one was pink and one was blue. She was pale and had black makeup around her eyes. As we walked past she was sucking on a lollipop. She closed her locker and turned and stared at me, a male walked over and stood next to her. She whispered something to him, he looked at Tyler and I as we pasted. He had short brown hair, tattoos on his right arm, brown eyes, from what I could tell he was mixed.

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