Chapter 23

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Jonathan's POV:

I tackled Blu Ivy to the ground, I pinned her and tried to grab her throat. In seconds Evan grabbed my shirt and threw me away from Ivy. He's going to be a problem, I need to break him now!

I landed on my feet and looked up at Evan as he growled showing his fangs. I charged him and reached out as he turned causing me to miss.

Third Person POV:

Blue Ivy grabbed Jonathan and threw him at the wall. "I got you!" Cartoonz said as he caught Jonathan before hitting the wall.

Cry walks down the road as every dropped to the ground. He held a hand out to keep people down, his bright green eyes stared at Ivy through his white mask. "You have disobeyed the hybrid race!" Cry shouted loud. "You made me Cry!" Ivy said loud as her eyes turn purple.

"I made you, I can still kill you!" Cry growled as his claws grew.

"I'm dead! You can't kill me!" Cry shouted as he ran at her.

Ivy charged and growled as Cry tackled her to the ground. Blue Ivy started fighting to get him off of her. "You have disobeyed!" Cry said as he tried to grab her throat.

"You made one mistake Cry!" Ivy said as she shoved her hand through his chest and grabbed his heart. "You can't live without your dead un beating heart!" She hissed as she pulled it out.

Jonathan ran over to Evan and made him look at him. "You are stronger than this Evan, you are so much stronger than her and I combined! Please come back to me! I miss you, I love you. I miss everything about you! I love you so much!" Jonathan said as teared started building up in his eyes.

Craig watched as Evan slowly started turning back to human. Marcel looked over as Evan turned completely human and stared at Jonathan. "Please tell me my name" Jonathan said as he stared into Evan's eyes.

Evan slowly touched Jonathan's face, he stared into his eyes with love and smiled.

"gehorchen!" Blue Ivy said as Evan's eyes turned pitch black and he threw Jonathan into a tree. "You're out of time! But still I rise!" Evan said as he walked towards Jonathan. "You'll be surprised!" He howled as he walked towards Jonathan on all fours and turned into a wolf.

Blue Ivy walked over and stood in front of Jonathan and stared down at him and smirked. "Your time is done!" She shouted as her eyes turned white. "Victory is in my veins!" Jonathan said as he groaned and stood up.

Evan walked over and stood behind Blue Ivy. He growled and showed his teeth as he stared at Jonathan.

"I miss you Evan!" Jonathan cried as Blue Ivy put her hand on his chest. "Just fight it!" Jonathan said as Ivy slowly started pushing her hand into Jonathan.

Evan's POV:

Jonathan laid me down on his bed and kissed my neck, I blushed and felt the love from him. He made me feel wanted and special. "I love you so much Evan" Jonathan said to me as he ran his hands down my chest.

"I love you" Jonathan said as he walked past me in the hallway, I smiled at him and walked into class.

"You are so cute" Jonathan said as he got in his car.

He gives me complements everyday and I love them, for every complement I get I write a note down of the complement and place it in this jar in my room.

In seconds I looked down at my hand and saw that my hand was through Blue Ivy's chest. I pulled my hand out and held her heart. She turned around and stared at me. "E-Evan..." Jonathan said as he laid on the ground with a huge slash through his throat. I crushed Ivy's heart and ran over to Jonathan. "You'll be okay! I promise that you'll be okay! You can't die on me!" I said as I picked him up.

I know it's a short chapter but the next chapter will explain it a lot.... you might be confused but you'll find out soon!

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