Chapter 15

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Evan's POV:

My heart was dropping as I fell back off a mountain. My life was flashing before my eyes, Tyler was forced to watch me fall. Everything felt as if it was slow motion, the screams were slow and the view of looking up was slow. I knew my end was coming, this cliff was known for its suicide rate.

Everything was coming to end, my life, my love for Jon has just ended. I can still remember what we did after my transformation. It was the best thing in my life, the way we made love was amazing. He was holding my heart in his hands, he was the best thing that could of ever happen to me.

I looked at Jon as he reached out, he had tears in his eyes. I heard Tyler scream my name loud, he was sobbing looking over the cliff. I felt fear crawling up my spine as I knew the ground was close to me. I know I would hit and hit hard, knowing my end is near kills me. I'm only 18 and I can't end like this, I'm too young.

I felt the wind blow through my hair, my body was relaxed

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I felt the wind blow through my hair, my body was relaxed. I wasn't fighting it I was allowing my fate be chosen for me. I remember Jon's voice in my head telling me he loves me. Telling me I'm the best thing to ever happen to me.

There is nothing of me. The last words I heard from Ivy as she pushed me off the cliff. It felt as if I fell one million feet but it was one hundred.

I felt myself hit the hard ground. Everything went black the second I hit. My life was over. Everything gone.

Jon's POV:

"Evan!" I screamed as he fell, I watched him fall 100 feet. I quickly started speed running down the mountain to go to his side. He has to be okay he can't just die like this he needs to be alive. He needs to be, he's too young to die! He needs to stay alive for Tyler! For his Pack! For me. . . He can't leave me. He just can't, he is the only person who can build me up then tear me down in seconds.

I ran to his side and looked at him as I saw cracks on his face from the fall. His Lycan on the inside was dead, he was gone. Last Lycan to ever exist is gone. All of our memories, they race through my head as I look at him. My eyes widened as he slowly looks at me. Blinking his eyes as his end is near. He was dying. "J-Jon. . ." He voice said hesitantly. "Don't waste your breath Evan. . ." I said slowly was I rubbed my hand on his cheek. "You'll always be my hero. . ." I cried softly as I stared into his eyes.

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