Chapter 8

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I sat in history thinking of my dream. Who was this masked man and why does he know about my family. He wore a hockey mask that as been though rough times, it has dried blood on it. His voice sounded familiar, I just can't pin point the voice. Ms. Kilburn slammed her hands on my desk waking me from my thought process. "Mr. Fong, would you like to explain what happened to the witches if they were caught doing magic in public?" She said with a harsh voice. I hesitated to speak at all, today is not the day. "I-I" I stuttered to speak.

"They would be publicly shamed and taken to jail until their trial" Jon said speaking up for me. "Normally their 'leader' which was the vampire was around and watched and didn't bother to help because they brought their capture upon them self". His voice shouted harsh as if he knew what happened word from word. Everyone including me looked at him weird, Jon smirked at us all. "C-correct" Ms. Kilburn said softly.

For some reason Jon has my intrest, he knows a lot of stuff about history. He really knows the witch trials, he talks about them as if he's lived them. I want to know more, "We will be having a quiz about the witch trials tomorrow! So study, find a buddy to study with. If everyone passes this quiz we'll have a movie day in class. I'll call up your teacher and get you out of the rest of your classes! So study!" Ms. Kilburn said as the bell rang. I thought about asking Jon to be my partner, maybe we can study together. He seems like he knows a lot. I turned around and saw Jon sitting behind me, "Be my study buddy?" He said beating me to it. "Uh y-yeah" I stuttered again. Jon started smirking while standing up, I turned around and looked foward at Craig. "Way to blush" Craig said laughing as he stood up. I got up and started walking towards the door, I looked out the door for anyone I knew. Ryan was passing by with sunglasses on, I ran over and started walking with him. "Hung over?" I questioned as he hung his head and refused to look at the lights. "Very" he softly said as he stopped at his locker. I stood next to his locker and looked around, "Have any of the teachers caught on to your sunglasses?". He shook his head no and continued to get his books out. I smirked and looked for Jon. I can't get enough of him, I follow him like a lost puppy and I enjoy it.

"Jon was talking about you earlier" Ryan said with a smirk as he closed his locker. "Really?" I said as I quickly turned to him and stared. "Yes, haha. He liked how you tried to protect him, in fact he loved it" Ryan smirked as he started mdown the hall. I ran after him catching a few glares from teachers for running. "Yeah, his cheeks started turning red while talking about you Evan or should I say Evy?" Ryan teased as he walked into the bathroom.

"Teasing isn't a good thing I hope you know that. Your. . . Lover won't like it when you tease" I said with a evil smirk. "I'm straight Evan, and teasing is fun. You can tease your partner or should I say Jon. Tease them by making fun of them or you can tease them" he got close to my ear. "Sexually" he walked said as he fixed his hair in the mirror.


I sat down on my bed and stared at the history books, this quiz will be the death of me. I'm going to fail so bad that I will be shamed in my own class. Hell probably the whole school will be shaming me. "Might as well learn how to strip now" I said getting off the bed and slowly taking my shirt off.

"Why would you need to learn how to strip? You'll pass this quiz with flying colors" Jon's voice echoed through my room. I turned around and looked at the door and no one was there. "Uh. . ." I backed up into something hard. "Why would I walk through the front door? Craig is probably here anyways" Jon said as he put his hands on my arms. I jumped at his touch and turned around. "H-hi" I studdered, like always when I'm around him. "So I heard you need a study buddy for history, I can be you buddy" Jon said as his Jade eyes stared at me. You can be my buddy in more than one way. "U-uh y-yeah, that would be nice. . . I really think that I will fail" I shyly said as I rubed my arms on the area's he held. He walked over and sat on my bed and took books out of his backpack and placed them on the bed. I slowly walked over and sat far away from him on purpose. "Why are you sitting so far away?" He question. I jumped at his words and slid a bit closer.

Jon's POV:

I stared at Evan through his window, he started taking his shirt off. I bit my lip and watched as I felt blood drip down onto the roof. I quickly closed my eyes and felt my lip sow it's self back up. Evan slowly started to turn so I had to make my move. "Why would you need to learn how to strip? You'll pass this quiz with flying colors" I teased as I stepped in through the window. Evan quickly turned and looked at the door. I smirked and looked at his back muscles, I want to touch them. My eyes traveled up his body and stopped at his neck, I felt my fangs grow again. My fangs went away as Evan backed up into me, out of instinct I put my hands on this arms. "Why would I walk through the front door? Craig is probably here anyways" I said as I smelled Craig in the next room.


I sat on Evan's bed and asked him questions about history.

"What happened to witches when they were caught using magic in public?" I asked knowing that we learned this today.

"They were brought to the jail. . . They had to go to a court. . . Right?" Evan softly said as he stared at me. "Right" I gave him a smirk, god something has me attracted to him. I haven't been with someone since. . . Well forever. Evan scooted closer to me which was a mistake but he doesn't know. As he got closer I heard his heart beat, the sounds of his heart started driving me insane. I closed my mouth and slowly felt my fangs start growing, he needs to back up.

"When was the Salem witch trials?" I asked quick to stop thinking of his heart.

"1658?" Evan softly said looking at me, I really wanted to grab him and bite him but I can't.

"U-uh yeah, good job" I smiled as he looked back at his book. The scent of Craig filled the room, he must be on the other side of the door. "Is Craig here?" I questioned biting my lip. Evan looked at the door and shrugged, "I don't know, let me go see". He stood up and started walking towards the door. I stared at his back muscles and smirked, he was so body damn sexy I loved it. I craved him, I needed him. I'm going to get him.

Evan opened the door and saw Tyler and Craig making out in the hall. I turned and looked away as Evan rolled his eyes, "Tyler take this to your room". Craig pulled away Tyler and turned around, I smirked at Craig. I could feel his anger building up. "Wh- why is Jon here?" Craig questioned as he tried to enter the room. "He's here to help me study" Evan said jumping to my defense.

"Yeah, helping with the Salem quiz" I smirked as I crossed my arms. "You would know a lot about that wouldn't you. . ." Craig said with a snarl. He's right, I know a lot about the Salem trials. I lived the trials, I was there I saw them burn and hang the witches. "Leave and go to Tyler's room" Evan said raising his voice. Craig didn't take his eyes off of me until he was out of my sight.

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