Chapter 11

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Evan's POV:

I sat up and got dizzy instantly and looked around as the world spun. "J-Jon?" I questioned as I got on my knees and start to look for Jon. I didn't see him, I was in a bedroom. This bedroom had red velvet everywhere, it was a beautiful color for the room. I got on my hands and knees and pain hit. "Fuck!" I shouted as I looked down and saw bloody bandages. I was hurt, I felt this pain through my entire body. My wounds where bleeding and the blood started dripping on the bedspread.

I need Jon, I need him to help me. I need him, this stupid deal needs to be called off. I'm not jealous I'm just hurt and need him. "I-Jon I need you. . ." I said softly. Soon the double doors in front me opened and Jon walked through with Marcel next to him. "W-What's going on?" I asked softly as they walked towards me.

Jon's POV:

I stood in the living room and looked at the fresh blood on the couch. "It's driving you crazy isn't it?" Marcel said looking at me. I nodded and felt my fangs grow, "I'm fighting it so much and it's killing me. I want to drink it so bad yet I can't" I said walking over to the couch and running my finger on the bloody spot. "He's upstairs and hurt right now, he's bleeding and soon the bandages would grow old and get covered and his blood scent will cover the house," Marcel said as he grabbed my hand with the blood on it. I pulled from his grip and brought my hand up to my face and looked at the blood. "I won't taste it, we need to clean the couch before I lose control. . ." I softly said as I walked towards the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and slammed it shut and stared at the blood on my fingers. "I can't taste it, I won't be able to control myself if I do. . . It will haunt me in the dark" I softly whispered as I headed towards the bathroom sink.

I started washing the blood off but it wasn't working. I watched the water turn bloody red, it was making my craving grow more and more. I quickly turned the water off and closed my eyes. I can't lose control, not again.

I sighed and opened my eyes and saw them blood-red in the mirror. I can't control my craving, I need to control it. Being the first-ever vampire haunts me. I've been around for a long time and I don't want to lose control again. I turned around and walked to the bathroom door. "Jon, we need to go change Evan's bandages. Before they leak on to the bedding" Marcel said from the other side of the door. "I can't control myself, Marcel," I said as I gripped the door handle.

"I've been with you for 2978 years. . . I won't allow you to lose control on a human Jon" Marcel sighed as he grabbed the door handle. I opened the door and looked at him, "how are you not attacking him because of the blood. . . I'm losing it while I'm around it" I snarled as I started towards the stairs. "I don't find his blood tasteful, I find it gross, to be honest. You only crave it because you love him" He said following me. Marcel always had my back, just like Moo. "Should I tell Evan about me?" I said as I stopped walking in the middle of the stairs. "You should but not right now," he said looking back at me. "He's going to find out sooner or later," I said as I started walking again.

I opened the door to Evan's room and the scent of his blood hit me like a sledgehammer. I tried to control my lust for it as I started walking towards him. "Calm down. . ." Marcel whispered. I made my hands into a fist to stop my lust for blood.

I got to the end of the bed and choked my words out, "We need to change your bandages. . . Now". Marcel bit his lip and walked over and sat on the bed and took his arms. "W-What's wrong with me? How did I get hurt?" Evan questioned as he looked at his arms. I hated the sight of his right forearm. The view of it gave me a bad gut feeling.

Once the bandage was off Evan saw it and his eyes widened. "W-What the fuck attacked me? Did Momo do it!" He shouted as he started to tear up. "N-No Momo didn't do it, we don't know what did it," Marcel said as he grabbed the first aid kit off the stand by the bed. "It looks like I was attacked by a wolf. . ." Evan said as the blood started to pour out of his wound. I bit my lip and turned my head, I can't look. "Jon, tell me what happened please," Evan said as I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye. "I-I can't" I sighed heavy and kept looking away. Evan let out a sigh and continues to look his arm. "Heh, this reminds me of some supernatural show. . . Someone is attacked by a wolf and the wolf ends up being a human and then the wolf fights with vampires. Vampires aren't that scary nor strong to me" Evan said harshly. He was wrong, we are powerful and scary. Very scary. "You're wrong" I spit out without thinking. "Why am I wrong?" Evan argued looking at me.

"Vampires are known to be strong, manipulative and scary" I snapped as I looked at him. "They can't go in the sun they are defenseless," Evan said as he continued.

"They can go in the sun, they don't burn they don't sparkle they can't go in the sun because they are dead. When you're dead you can go in the sun! It doesn't burn them" I said slamming my hands on the bed. His eyes widened, "H-How do you know that stuff?" He asked as Marcel looked at me with a concerned look. "Movies. . ." I softly said as I walked away from the bed and sat in a chair.


It's been days since I almost exposed myself to Evan, in school he's been staring at me weird and I can't understand why.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked looking at Evan. "Because you're interesting, I feel like I'm staring at something I don't fully know," he said getting closer to me in the cafeteria. I closed my mouth at the sound of his blood rushing through his body. I don't think I can last without attacking him. His blood just sounds and looks so. Good.

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