Chapter 4: Dream Come True

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(Wednesday Morning)

Aaliyah's POV

I woke up early this morning for some reason I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Oh good morning mom I didn't think you would be awake this early" I said shocked.

"Honey you know I have to work right so I have to wake up early right?" my mom said with the duh tone.

"Well any who I'm really worried about Makaya mom all she thinks about is that application to Neymar's institution. I understand Neymar Jr is her favorite player and I know it's her dream to play in Europe but she's taking it hard on herself mom" I said with worried eyes.

"I know you're worried about her sweetheart but we just need to keep telling her to be patient okay" my mom said

"Okay mom I'm going to check if there's mail" I told her.

"Okay tell me if there's mail for me?" she asked.

"Okay." I replied.

I walked to the mailbox and I saw an envelope with Makaya's name on it...weird cause she barely gets any mail? I get the envelope and it was Neymar Jr Institution. I freaked out not knowing what to do! I just had one option and I ran as fast as I could back into the house. I was screaming with excitement.

"Aaliyah, Aaliyah...honey what's wrong?" My mom said worried.

I showed my mom the envelope and we both freaked out. About. 10 minutes of fun and screaming my mom told me to go get Makaya. I quickly went to her room


"Wake up" I whispered.

After 15 minutes of me waking her up, and her not actually waking up I had not choice but to scream at her.

"Oh my fucking gosh wake your ass up" I yelled.

She finally wakes up. Wow.

"Aaliyah it's 7:00 in the morning!? This is my only day off from practice "she yelled back irritated.

"But this is important" I said.

"It better be" she said annoyed.

(Makaya's POV)

I was peacefully sleeping and dreaming on how wonderful it will be when I get accepted to the Institution.


I ran to the door cause there was a knock. There stood the mailman with all the mails wishing one could be mine. He greeted me with a smile and gave me the mail. I nicely closed the door. I quickly ran back to living room and dropped all the the light bills, house bills, etc. I kept searching not loosing any hope. When I reached the bottom there it was it read 'Makaya's ..... Sport equipment' just as I had my hope's up, but there was another envelope 'Neymar's institution response' I yelled maybe waking up my mom and sister. My legs felt wobbly and I fell. I heard footsteps running down the stairs.
"Kay" I hear.
"Wake up" she whispers.
(End of Dream)

"Oh my fucking gosh wake your ass up" She yelled.

I wake up by Aaliyah screaming. I shook it off and looked at my alarm clock what the hell, its 7 on the fucking dot a.m

"Aaliyah it's 7:00 in the morning!? This is my only day off from practice " I yelled back irritated.

"But this is important"she said.

"It better be" I said annoyed.

I walked to the kitchen greeted my parents and I saw an envelope that said 'Neymar Jr Institution' I was shocked I was so afraid to open it.

"Honey you've been waiting for this moment" my mom said.

"I know I'm just scared" I said while I was shaking.

Aaliyah was just staring at me which was making me even more nervous.
I open the letter and I froze my parents and Aaliyah gave me worried eyes.

"THEY ACCEPTED ME!" I screamed.

"No fucking way" Aaliyah said.

We're so proud of you honey "both of my parents said.

"But I have to leave to Spain in 3 days " I said

"So soon" my dad said.

"Yeah, but dad my dream came true that's all that matters right now" I responded with happiness.

"Well you need to tell your coach as soon as possible Makaya "my mom said with a serious face.

I totally forgot about championship game.

"Don't worry I'll tell coach" I said.

I ran into my room and called Sandra and Christina after three rings they finally answered.

"Guys guess what?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"What? Tell us " Sandra demanded.

"Wait did you get me that new necklace I wanted. Awww you're the best"

"Let's start over again. What? Tell us" Christina added.

"Christina shut up and listen" Sandra replied annoyed.

I laughed but that wasn't the point.

"Neymar's institution accepted me! "I screamed.

"Are you fucking kidding, I'm happy for you Kay " Sandra said happily.

"Thank you "I said

"I'm still waiting for the necklace hoe, but congrats we need to celebrate. I call girls night out." Christina responded.

"That's never gonna happen but I'll take that girls night out" I said trying to make her mad.

"We know how much this means to you Kay " Sandra said

"Yeah but I leave in 3 days " I said

"So no girls night out?" Christina asked.

"Christina are you serious?" Sandra said irritated.

"Um we can always visit you bitch "Christina added with a laugh.

"If I had a dollar for every time you cursed I'd be rich "I replied to what Christina said.

"Um dumbass your already rich " Christina said while laughing.

"Oh shit I am "I responded tagging along.

"Well you guys are coming shopping with me if we can't have a girls night out" I said.

"Bitch we got you "Christina said.

"Um I can't my parents are in town sorry "Sandra said.

"Buzz killer, boooo"

"Maybe next time" Christina added.

"It's okay, love you guys" and with that I hung up.

Wow what a morning I said to myself.

(Bro Makaya finally got accepted yay!)

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