Chapter 12: We caught you

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||Makaya's POV||

Rafaella and I got really close ever since the dinner we hung out a lot lately after my practices right I was waiting for her to pick me up a few minutes later I see her car pull in

"Hey Rafa"
"Hey how was practice" She asked
"Good I guess"
"Did Julia come up to again" Rafa chuckled
"Nah she hasn't bothered me"
"Maybe she hasn't bothered you because she knows that Neymar is out of town" Rafa laughed
"Hey maybe" I laughed
"Um I forgot my phone at the house so we have to go back to the house"Rafa said
"Oh okay"

We're at the house and we start walking up stairs Rafa went into her room to get her phone I was standing in the hallway I started to hear moaning I'm like what the fuck am I hearing things and I remembered Rafa telling me Neymar is out of town

"What!" She said
"Do you hear that?"
"No way that bitch" Rafa said walking to the room
Rafa opens the door and we see Bruna in bed with some dude that hoe
"WHAT THE FUCK BRUNA" Rafa screams
"It's not what it looks like" she said while getting up from the bed
"Please don't tell Ney" Bruna said begging
"Are you on drugs"Rafa said getting in Bruna's face "I'm leaving and I will tell Neymar you cheated on him Bruna when he comes tomorrow do you hear me you're disgusting!

Rafa walked out of the house and I'm just standing in the hallways looking at Bruna with disgust

"You!" Bruna screams at me

"What hoe" I said rolling my eyes I don't have time for her bullshit

"Yeah you make sure Rafaella doesn't tell Neymar" Bruna says crossing her arms

"Why would I do that I don't know you "

"Because I will pay you" she says while getting money out of her purse

"Honey you're funny I don't want your slut money" I said and walked away "Bye bitch"

I walked out of the house and saw Rafaella in the car

"Hey you okay" I asked Rafa and patted her back

"No I'm not okay that bitch cheated on my brother and he deserves better I knew this bitch was no good" She said putting her hands in her face

"Not trying to make this situation worse but she told me to make sure you don't tell Neymar she said she'll pay me" I said getting annoyed

"That bitch is so quick to shove money in people's face I bet you the money isn't even hers" Rafa said getting more angry "I can't stay at that house with her there"

"Hey you can stay with me"

"Really thanks" she said giving me a hug

We took Rafa's car to my hotel since she didn't want to stay at the house when that slut is there. The drive to my hotel was funny, me and Rafa were telling funny stories that happened to us. We were singing along to and next thing I know were pulling in my driveway.

We went inside and talked about things untill we got hungry so we ordered pizza. We sat down on the couch watching a movie and talking.

" You know he likes you right " Rafa says looking at me

"Who likes me " I say dumbfounded

"Come on Kay, Neymar likes you" she says.

She continues saying " Don't you see the way he looks at you" I ignore what she was saying changed the subject " We should go out and have some fun" I said hoping she would drop it.

"Do you like him?" Rafa asked while grabbing another slice of pizza

"No answer" I say grabbing my drink

"Um...Neymar is calling me!" Rafa says freaking out "what do I do!?"

"Answer the phone?"

"You answer it please" Rafa says throwing her phone at me

||phone call||

"Hey Neymar"
"Makaya... ?" Neymar says
"Why do you have my sister's phone?" Neymar asks
"Um she's using the bathroom right now" I said quickly "Wait are you back from Valencia?"
"Yeah why" Neymar asks
"Tell him to come here" Rafa whispers
"Where are you right now?" I asked
"On my way home why?"he says
"Um not trying to be weird or anything but can you come to my hotel room" I asked feeling so weird
"Sure see you in 15" he said hanging up

|15 minutes later|

I heard a knock at the door I opened it and saw it was Neymar I quickly let him in and told him that Rafa has to tell him something

"I have a feeling something bad happened" Neymar says siting down

"Something bad did happen" Rafa said looking down

"What happened are you guys okay" Neymar asks with a worried look on his face

"Yeah this has nothing to do with us Neymar" I said looking at him

"Okay what's up?" He says

" cheated on you" Rafa says playing with her fingers

"Listen Rafa I know you don't like her but there's no need to lie" Neymar said getting angry

This is the most awkwardest situation I've ever been in

"Why would I lie about this!" Rafa screams

Neymar got up from the couch and slammed the door

"Ugh fuck" Rafa says putting a pillow against her face

"It's okay Rafa" I said sitting down next to her

"Ugh I don't get why he's so in love with her" Rafa sighs

"Probably she gives him good sex" I said

"What the fuck Makaya" Rafa chuckles

"Now can we go back to our movie we can deal with this tomorrow" I say grabbing the remote

Another chapter finished please vote💕

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