Chapter 33: I need my girl back

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||Neymar's POV||

*a month later*

I couldn't sleep knowing that Makaya is leaving. My parents are out of town and I don't even know where Rafa is so right now I'm home alone. I need to talk to Makaya. I open my front door and see Bruna and Jackson standing there smirking.

"Hey babe" she said walking inside

"What the hell do you guys want" I said annoyed

"Oh baby I know you're happy so see me" she smirked

"Bruna I don't want to talk to you, and I don't want to talk you either" I said looking straight at Jackson

"Oh please don't tell me you're going to see that bitch" she said rolling her eyes

"I don't need to explain shit to you now get the hell out of my house" I said angrily

"Hey watch who you are talking to" Jackson said

"You're in my fucking house I can talk to her how ever the hell I want" I said

"What does she have that I don't have" Bruna yelled

"What she has is something you've never given me" I yelled back

"Let me guess it's because she's better in bed" Jackson smirked

"Excuse me?" I asked

"I've been in bed with both of them and I'll say Makaya is better" Jackson laughed

"Jackson you better shut the fuck before I make you" I said gritting my teeth

"Why don't you want me back" Bruna interrupted

"Let me cheated on me" I yelled

"Neymar it didn't mean anything" she said

"I don't want you I want Makaya" I screamed

"I send this bitch away and you still want her" Bruna said annoyed

"Bruna you sent her away so I could have her" Jackson smiled

"Right" Bruna smiled back at Jackson

"What do you mean?" I said clenching my fist

"The whole Manchester United thing it was me and Jackson"Bruna smirked "She's gone Neymar get over it"

"BRUNA LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I screamed causing her to flinch

"I SAID WATCH WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO" Jackson screamed then tried to punch me but I caught his fist

"GET OUT!" I screamed then punched him

They ran out the door. I need to get my girl back


||Makaya's POV||

I finally got to the airport. I've never cried to so much in my life. As I was about to board the plane I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Makaya!" I heard Neymar scream

"Neymar? What the hell are you doing here" I asked

"Makaya please don't go" he said

"Neymar I have to" I said walking away but he stopped me

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