Chapter 13: Why me?

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(2 weeks later)

I'm finally getting my own apartment Rafaella is helping me move in when I mean we've been getting close we've been getting close

"So have you talk to Neymar"

"Um he hasn't been talking to anyone lately since he broke up with the bitch" Rafa says while grabbing more boxes

All I said was oh I feel bad for Neymar I haven't known him for long but no one deserves to be cheated on

"I have an idea" Rafa says smirking

"Let me guess you want me to talk to Neymar" I said putting my hands on my hips

"You literally just read my mind" Rafa says jumping "come on he'll talk to you"

"Why me I shouldn't be in his business"

"You're not you just have to cheer him up" Rafa says

"I still don't get why I have to talk to him"I sighed

"Because I know Neymar likes you and you like him but you both won't admit it" Rafa says

"He just got out of a relationship" I said

"Do you like my brother" Rafa asked

"No answer"

"You like him" Rafa said

"How would you know"

"Because you make it so obvious" Rafa furrowing her eyebrows

"Fine I'll talk to him" I said kicking boxes out of my way

"Okay let's go we can finish unpacking later" Rafa said grabbing her keys


"Okay what do you want me to say to him?" I asked Rafaella

"I don't know just make him talk" Rafa said

We walked in the house it sounded so dead but I don't know how to make Neymar feel better I still don't know much about him but I guess I'll try because Rafa wants me to I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I'm guessing that's Neymar

"What are you doing here?" Neymar asked

"Just chilling"Rafa said smiling

"Why are you smiling like that?" Neymar asked

"Because you are going to spend the day with Makaya" Rafa smirked

"Whoa you didn't tell me that you told me to cheer him up" I said shocked

"You're going to cheer him up by spending the day with him" Rafa said smiling "Okay you guys can figure something out I'm leaving"

I'm not surprised Rafaella left me alone with Neymar but what am I going to say to the dude.

"This is so awkward"

"What's awkward?" Neymar asked

Shit did I just think out loud

"You weren't supposed to hear that" I said covering my face

"It's okay" Neymar laughed "What do you want to do?

"Um can you do me a favor?" I asked

"It depends on what it is" Neymar said with a smirk

"Can you help me move into my apartment please" I said

"Yeah sure" Neymar said grabbing his keys


So you finally got an apartment ?" Neymar said

"Yes" I said doing a little dance
"Can we listen to music?"

"Yeah sure" Neymar said

"Wait we have to listen to my music" I said

"Sure what type of music is it?" Neymar asked

"Nigerian music" I said

"You're Nigerian?" Neymar said "Wow that's interesting but I know your not just Nigerian"

"I'm also Colombian"

"Yeah I can tell from your last name" Neymar chucked

I was singing to Duro by Tekno and Neymar was just laughing at me I'm not going to lie we were having a great time we were laughing telling stories and we were both learning more things about each other

"I heard you can speak Portuguese" Neymar asked

"Sim eu posso falar Português" I replied back to him (yes I can speak Portuguese)

"Your accent is adorable" Neymar laughed

"I know my accent is adorable"

"Why did you learn Portuguese?" Neymar asked

"Um because I wanted to"

"I don't believe you" Neymar said


"I know that is not the reason why you learned Portuguese" Neymar said

"Okay your right but I'm not telling you the reason why I took Portuguese" I said crossing my arms

"I will eventually find out" Neymar said with confidence

"Yeah sure" I said biting my lip

"Don't do that" Neymar said

"What?" I asked

"Don't bit your lip" He said


"Just don't do it" Neymar said

"You know I actually know why you told me not to bite my lip" I said

"Then why did you ask why? He asked

"I wanted you to tell me"

"You drive me crazy" Neymar says

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's a bad thing" Neymar laughed

"Hey you know you love me"

"I'm still figuring that out" he said laughing even harder

"Whatever hoe"

"Hoe? did you just call me a hoe" He asked shocked

"Yes I did"

"Wow that's the first" Neymar said

"Yeah I can tell from your face expression" I laughed

Finish another chapter hope you guys liked it please vote❤️ and thanks _Annie03_ for always voting on my chapters😂😘

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