Chapter 35: A Barcelona Player

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||Makaya's POV||

*5 months later*

"Babe hurry up you're going to be late for your first match!" I heard Neymar yelled from down stairs

"I'm coming I'm coming" I said running down the stairs almost falling

"Um you're forgetting something" Neymar said

"What?...oh shit my Nike bag" I screamed

Okay so today is my debut at FC Barcelona and I'm hella nervous. My whole family is here including Neymar's family. I told them not to come because that would make me even more nervous, but of course they didn't listen. These 5 months has been crazy Neymar asked me to move in with him. I had so many practices so I can be ready for my debut.

"Ok Neymar you're making even more nervous" I screamed putting my hands on my face

"Sorry babe but I'm so excited for you" he said then kissed my forehead

"Hey we have no time for you guys to do this" Neymar Sr yelled

"I agree you guys need to leave" my dad said

"We're leaving don't worry" Neymar laughed

"But y'all keep talking so shut the hell up and leave" Aaliyah said

"I think you guys forget there's kids here" Elijah laughed

"Well Davi doesn't really understand English like that" Neymar chuckled

"Well my child does so stop cursing" Elijah said

"Shut up Elijah you're always cursing" Jordan said

"Ugh guys stop talking and let's go" I said pulling Neymar with me

We finally got into the car

"Um I kinda invited the whole Barça squad" Neymar said letting out a small chuckle

"Are you serious Ney I told you no" I said

"Well I told them not to come but they didn't listen so" Neymar said

"Calm down Makaya we're all here to support you" Rafa smiled

"Yeah so just accept it" Aaliyah said

"Damn you're so demanding" Neymar laughed

"Yeah I know" Aaliyah smiled

"Okay we're here" Neymar said parking the car

"Shit shit" I said nervously

"Okay we're gonna go to our sits good luck" Rafa said giving me a hug

"Thanks" I smiled

"Ney what if I mess up" I sighed

"Makaya this is just your nerves talking your going to do amazing you worked so hard just don't think so much" Neymar smiled

"Did I tell you your the best boyfriend I've ever I had" I smiled

"Maybe once or twice" He laughed and gave me a kiss

"Good luck babe" Neymar smiled then left to find his seat

I walked straight to the girls locker room and was greeted by my teammates. It sucks that I don't play with Aria and Beatrice anymore. Beatrice plays for Chelsea and Aria plays for Real Madrid. Im glad that I can play with my old teammate River when I found out she was playing for Barça I was so fucking happy.

"Ready for the match" River asked smirking

"Hell yeah can't wait to kick ass" I laughed

"Coach would be proud" River said quietly

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