Chapter 28: Just a day at the park

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||Makaya's POV||

Sandra has been bothering me about hanging out with her, so I suggested we go to the park I invited Santiago

"I'm not surprised you brought a soccer ball" Christina laughed

"I have so kick his ass" I said referring to Neymar

"Good luck with that" Neymar smirked

"You wanna bet" I said

"Why not" Neymar said back

"Okay $100 if I win" I said

"Deal" Neymar said shaking my hand

"Y'all really gonna spend $100 dollars" Christina said "ugh only rich people"

"We all know you're cheap Chris" Sandra said

"I'm not cheap I'm just not dumb with my money" Christina said back

"Is Santiago coming?" Sandra asked

"Yeah" I said

"Why would you invite Santiago?" Christina said rolling her eyes

Christina really doesn't like Santiago. Those two are always arguing Christina always ends up winning because she's Christina

"If he says a dumbass comment like he usually when he's around me imma go Haitian on his ass" Christina said seriously

Speaking of Santiago I saw him walking towards our picnic table with a huge smile on his face

"Hey guys" Santiago said

"Hi" I smiled

"What's up man" Santiago said to Neymar and they bro hugged

"We should play a game" I said

"Oh hell no I came to this park to eat not to play soccer" Christina said

"Of course you came to eat" Santiago said

"Santiago I will f- you know what let's play" Christina said standing up

Christina hates playing football. Christina is more of a basketball person she always says she needs more friends to play basketball with.

"You can't play" Santiago said

"You know in Haiti we play football right" Christina said

"Okay let's play" Sandra said

"Okay so how we gonna do this?" Santiago asked "the teams are going to be uneven"

"Zion is here so we'll be fine" Christina said

They teams were Me,Santiago and Sandra against Neymar,Christina and Zion

"What the fuck I'm playing against a professional footballer" Sandra laughed

"I'll go easy on you" Neymar said

Sandra started with the ball but as soon as Neymar got close to her she quickly passed it to me Christina was defending me I know I could easily cross her because she sucks at football I crossed her I started dribbling down I felt someone behind me Neymar stole the ball from me and he dribbled quickly to the goal he did a rainbow on Santiago and passed it to Christina so she can easily score GOAL they were cheering and shit. Santiago passed the ball to me I dribbled pass Christina and Zion of course Neymar beats me to the goal but I nutmeg him "GOAL" I scored a goal Santiago ran and gave me a hug he put his arms around my waist holding me tight. He realized I didn't hug him back I just gave him a weird look we played for a few more minutes and Santiago was being really flirty and touchy I saw Neymar tense up. Neymar came up to me

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