Chapter 7:Leaving

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(Makaya's POV)

Today is the day I'm leaving for Spain, and I'm so excited. But I'm going to miss my family and friends so much. This is my dream my dream is finally come true. My sister is dropping me at the airport

"Are you excited to finally meet Neymar." she smirked

"Aaliyah yes I'm excited to meet him but I'm more excited to play in Europe." I said

"Whatever you say when you come back to visit make sure you bring him." she said laughing

I knew she was being serious.

"So you're leaving tomorrow right." I asked

"Yes why?"she said

Just making sure London isn't that far away from Barcelona." I said smiling

"Honey I know you can't stay far away from me."Aaliyah said

"WE'RE HERE!!" I screamed in excitement.

"Please be careful okay call me when you land." Aaliyah said with tears coming down from her eyes

"Bro don't cry because if you start crying I'm going to start crying" I said

"Sorry sorry I'm just really happy for you" she said wiping her tears

I have to board the plane bye Aaliyah I love I'll call everyone when I land okay." I said

"Bye! I love you good luck bitch" she laughed


I finally landed in Spain I saw a man with a sign with my name on it so I'm guessing he's my ride.

"Hola." I said smiling

"Are you Makaya Hernandez?" The man asked

"Yes I am" I said

"Okay miss let me take your luggage" the man while grabbing my suitcases

I was dropped off at a nice hotel I walked to the front desk and the lady quickly greeted me.

"Hello you must be Makaya Hernandez?" the lady said

"Yes I am" I laughed

"Your room is on the 2nd floor room 32b. If you need any assistance there are bellboys over there that can help you" the lady said with a large smile

"Thank you" I said

I arrived to my room and my mouth dropped my hotel room was huge. I was checking out the bathroom and someone knocked on door.

"Hola your Makaya Hernandez right?" he asked

"And your the one and only Neymar Jr" I said shock 

"Yes I am" he laughed

"Um...not trying to be rude or anything, but why are you here"I asked

"I'm here because I really wanted to meet you." he said with his amazing smile

"ME?!... You want me what why!"I asked very shocked

"Well I watched your video and you're amazing I can't wait to work with you." he said

" thank you" I said shyly

"Hey no need to be shy." he said while lifting my chin up

"Practice starts tomorrow at 10." he told me

"Oh okay thank you for telling me." I said smiling like an idiot

"Okay tchau see you tomorrow linda." he said leaving

Did he just call me beautiful I thought to myself oh my gosh I'm literally freaking out. I have to call Christina and Sandra asap I hope they answer. I go on my laptop and FaceTime them they answered.

"Hey Kay how's Barcelona?" Christina asked

"Good guess who I just met" I said trying to stay calm

"A hot bellboy?" Sandra asked

"No dumbass I met Neymar Jr"I screamed

"What the fuck no way he is sexier in person" Christina asked

"Really Chris" I said annoyed

"What just asking" Christina said putting her hands up

"What did he say to you?" Sandra asked

"Well he said he wanted to meet me" I told them

"Oh make sure you bring him back to San Fran okay" Christina smirked

"Oh my gosh Aaliyah said the same fucking thing what's up with you guys I don't even know him" I said starting to get annoyed

"Hey just saying" Christina said with a smirk

"Well he has a girlfriend anyways" Sandra spoke up

"He does!" Christina screamed

"Of course he does look at him he's gorgeous." Sandra said with a duh tone

"Yeah yeah I didn't come to Spain to hook up with him guys" I said rolling my eyes

"We know we just like teasing you hoe" Christina said

"Okay it's 10:30pm over and I'm tired as hell bye guys I'll talk to you guys when I can okay" I said

"Okay bye Kay love you" they said

(What a day Makaya had she met Neymar😄  this chapter was kinda long hope you like it❤️)

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