Chapter 15: I want to help you

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(Neymar's POV)

Bruna isn't the reason why I haven't been talking to anyone I'm trying to figure out if I have feelings for Makaya and yesterday when we kissed I found my answer yesterday I realize how much I love being with her I love learning things about her. I really want to help build her confidence in football (soccer). I know Makaya isn't a shy girl but I notice when it comes to football (soccer) her confidence goes away and I want to help her with that. She's a good footballer but she doesn't know it.


Makaya❤️- hey I'm on my way
Me- okay the door will be unlock for you
Makaya❤️-okay thanks😉


"Did you have fun yesterday?" Rafaella smirked

"Yes I did"

"So do you feel better?" Rafa asked

"Yes I do" I smiled like an idiot

"Why are you smiling like that! What happened!" Rafa asked jumping up and down

"Nothing happened I just helped her move into her apartment"

I didn't want to tell Rafa that I kissed Makaya because I know she would go crazy

"Okay I'll just ask Makaya" she said "what are you doing today?"

"Um I'm going to practice with Makaya"

"Of course Makaya is coming" she smirked

I heard the door open so I'm guessing that's Makaya but it was Bruna

"What are you doing here" I asked her

"You haven't been answering my texts or calls" Bruna said getting closer to me and I backed away

"I don't want anything to do with you okay" I said getting annoyed

"Stop pushing me away Neymar you know you still want me" She said looking at me straight in the eyes

"You cheated on me in my own fucking house Bruna" I said trying not to scream

Makaya walked in

"Hey oh shit" Makaya said covering her mouth "I can come back later"

"Yeah get out" Bruna said

"Bitch I wasn't talking to you" Makaya said getting closer to Bruna

"Do you know who I am" Bruna said

"I don't give a fuck who you are okay" Makaya said in a rude tone "listen who you're messing with the wrong person okay I'm not afraid to whoop ass"

"You think I'm afraid of you" Bruna said rolling her eyes

"You should be afraid of me" Makaya said dropping her bag

"Okay Bruna you need to leave now" I said

"Don't worry I'll be back" Bruna said then left

"I'm sorry she won't leave me alone" I apologized

"It's okay I went threw the same thing " Makaya said

"You got cheated on?" I asked

"Um....yeah" She said looking down

"We don't have to talk about it come on let's practice" I said pulling into her arm

||Makaya's POV||

"Bro I almost punched her" I said while stretching

"Yeah I know" Neymar laughed while grabbing a bag of balls

"Anyway what are we going to do" I asked

"You're going to try out" Neymar said holding a clip board

"Are you kidding" I said then I realize he was serious

"So what are you going to help me with"

"Your confidence" Neymar said "Now dribble around the cones"

"Neymar this isn't going to help"

"How do you know if you don't try" he said raising his eyebrows

"You always know what I say don't you" I said walking to the cones

||20 mins later||

"Okay done now what" I asked

"Run" Neymar said

"You want me to sprint?"

"Yeah" Neymar said in a duh tone

"Neymar this isn't going to help" I said walking away but he grabbed my arm

"Why do you give up to quick you didn't even try" Neymar said pulling me closer to him

I really didn't want to do this anymore right now I want to go home I mean California home I can't do this anymore  everytime I think about this my fear of failing grows more and more that's why I don't talk about this

"What was I thinking I can't do this" I said getting out of his grip

"Makaya what's the matter?" Neymar asked with worried eyes

"Neymar I can't do this" I said running out of the house

I had to rewrite this chapter but please vote💕

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