Chapter 18: Jackson&Finding Out

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||Makaya's POV||

It's been 3 weeks since Neymar asked me to be his girlfriend and those 3 weeks have been amazing so right now me and Rafa are eating at a cafe

"So have you told your family about Neymar?" Rafa asked

"Um I told my sister but I'm afraid of telling my dad and my brother"

"Why are they over protective?" Rafa asked

"Very my last relationship didn't go so well" I said looking down

"Oh what happened" Rafa asked curiously

"He cheated on me" I said

"Oh what was his name?" Rafa asked

"Jackson!" I said shocked

"Oh" Rafa said

"No Jackson is here!" I said

"Wait what" she said quickly turning around

"He's here" I said rolling my eyes

I tried to hide but Jackson saw me damn it he started walking towards our table what the fuck is he doing in Barcelona

"Makaya is that you" Jackson said shocked

"No duh it's me" I rolled my eyes

"Whoa no need for the attitude" Jackson laughed

"Jackson what the hell are you doing here"

"I'm on vacation with my girlfriend" he smirked

I turned around and saw Neymar walk through the door which made me smile

"Hey babe" Neymar said giving me a kiss "Oh who's this"

"Her ex boyfriend" Rafa said and I glared at her "Oh shit I wasn't supposed to say that"

"Oh so you're dating a footballer now" Jackson smirked

"I really don't want to talk to you Jackson so can you leave our table" I said dryly

"Hey I didn't mean to cause trouble but I'll go" he said walking to his girlfriend

"Really Rafa"

"Sorry" Rafa said with her mouth full of food

"So what is he doing here?" Neymar asked

"He's on vacation I guess"

"Let me know if he bothers you okay" Neymar said with a serious face

"I will" I said then kissed his cheek

"I feel like a third wheel" Rafa pouted

"Sorry" I laughed

"I know damn well you're not sorry" Rafa laughed while getting up

"Where you going?" Neymar asked Rafa

"I'm leaving" Rafa said in a duh tone

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