Chapter 5

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Louis P.O.V

It's 9 pm now, after Niall told me about the party I had a quick shower and borrowed more of his clothes. I'll have to go and buy my own soon. I put on a button up light blue shirt and black trousers, and slip on a pair of Toms. My hair's still in the stupid quiff Niall put it in. Niall's wearing a tight plain white t-shirt and black trousers also.

I decide to drive, as I already know Niall will probably get fucked up on Alcohol, and I'll be the one having to take him home.

We drive up to Nick's house, I park my car across from it. I step out to hear the low humming of dubstep music.

"Ay come on mate!"

I sigh and follow after Niall, already high on excitement.

Niall doesn't even bother knocking and instantly opens the front door. We're welcomed with the smell of Alcohol and weed.

I walk forward with Niall to see a few people standing in the hall way and the entrance to the living room. We begin to walk in to the living room only to be stopped.

"Niall! Louis hey!"

I turn around to come face to face with Nick, a big grin on his face.

"Hey Nick."

"Ayeee Grimmy ma buddy!" Niall runs over giving him a quick squeeze.

"Awww Niall!" Nick gladly says.

"Boys you'll never guess what?" Nick quickly says, suddenly interesting me and Niall.

"What?" Me and Niall both ask.

"Well, I invited an old friend from high school here, his names Zayn. He decided to bring two of his best friends though. Fucking Liam Payne and Harry Styles!"

I suddenly freeze at the mention of his name. Harry is here? The same party? Shit, I'm meant to be avoiding him.

"There, look!" Nick says, pointing into the living room.

Me and Niall both turn and lean, to see Harry in the middle of the sofa with two men beside him. One dark skinned man with black hair in a little quiff and hazel eyes. The other man has short brunette hair and stubble.

I notice how Harry suddenly stops talking, and is glaring back at me.

I don't know what to do, should I say hi? Run and die or maybe I could-

"Anyway, have fun you guys!" Nick interrupts me.

Nick hugs Niall tightly, then lets go and gives me a hug. He surprisingly gives me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Ew. He then turns around and goes his own way. I turn back around to notice Harry saw the whole thing.

"Aye so wanna get a drink matey?" Niall suddenly asks.

"Yeah, sure." I shrug.

"Aw lighten up der Louis!"

Me and Niall navigate our way through the countless people snogging and drunk as fuck. We manage to find the kitchen which only had three people on the verge passing out in there.

Niall gets himself a pint and I stick to the alcoholic strawberry cocktail.

"Hey, what's your name?" A voice suddenly asks.

I turn round to face myself face to face with a man I've never seen before.

"Uh, i'm Louis." I saw awkwardly, trying to edge away.

"How bout me and you leave this place and go somewhere else, hm?"

"I uh, I-"

"Sorry, he's with me."

I turn around to face, wait, Harry?

"Oh sorry, didn't know you were taken. Bye." The man says swiftly turning around.

"Uh, thanks Harry." I say

Harry puts his arm around my shoulder with a grin.

"Come, I want you to meet my friends."

I gulp as I'm steered into the living room and plonked down on the sofa, to have two pair of eyes staring at me.

The one with dark skin holds his hand out, "Hi, i'm Zayn" he says with a smile.

"Hey my names Liam" The other one says.

"Oh, Louis." I quietly say.

"Aha, we know who you are Louis! Our lil Harry won't shut up about you!"

I sit shocked and look back at Harry who has a big smile plastered on his face.

"So, you and Harry dating yet or?" Liam quickly asks.

"W-w-What?!" I say stunned.

"Oh Liam were not at that stage yet." He says, winking to me.

When it looks likes Zayns going to say something, another voice pipes up the room.

"Lou where you gone mate?!


"Niall, here." I calmly say.

He strides over and notices who i'm with.

"Oh sorry Louis, i'll just-"

"No it's fine, stay." Liam says and stands from his seat and gestures for Niall to sit there.

Niall gulps and sits in the spot and glares at me.

Oh my god, this is awkward as fuck. I'm being stared at by the hot harry styles who fucking kills people, why am I even attracted to him?! I wouldn't mind running my hand through those curls and- GOD LOUIS LOOK WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO YOURSELF.

"Uh, i need the bathroom." I say while standing up.

"Me too, lets go together." Harry says, gesturing for me to go ahead. For fucks sake this guy won't leave me alone.

I walk up the cream stairs and walk along the hallway to find the bathroom.

I open a white door and i'm pleased to be faced with a bathroom.

"Sorry can i just go-"

I'm suddenly forced to stop talking as i'm turned around and a pair of lips are crashing into mine. I gasp but, why aren't i stopping him!? He bites the bottom of my lips, which send a buzzing feeling through my skin. Just as i try to lean in more i feel the lips leave mine.

I open my eyes to find myself eye to eye with a pair of green eyes.

"Later, Louis." He says with a smirk, leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

I stand there dumbstruck, I brush my lips with my fingers, wishing there was something else there.

Am I seriously falling for Harry Styles?

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