Chapter 11

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Harry P.O.V [Ooh, different I know right?]

"Alright guy's I'm going home. See you tomorrow right?" I say, reaching for the club door.

"Bye Harry." Zayn says, while Liam smiles and Josh waves at me.

I nod before exiting the club and heading for my car. Time to finally go home to Lou. I wonder if Niall's still there or he's gone home?

I shake the curls out of my face as I step into my car and start the ignition. I step on the pedal and begin driving away from the dark nightclub.

15 minutes later.


I park my car in my garage and step out. I cough into my hands before locking the car and feeling the chilly breeze. I look up at the full moon before looking at my watch. 12:34 AM

I'm a bit late but oh well.

I walk up towards the front of my house when I notice...

The front door is completely open.

My eyes widen as I run into the house.

"Niall?! Louis?!" I shout.

No answer.

I panic and run upstairs shouting their names. I run a hand through my hair and slow my breathing down. As I quiet down I hear a distant noise. I walk further down the hall as the banging becomes more apparent.

I walk down to the spare room and hear someone banging on the door.

I jostle the doorknob until I open it, just as I open it a young blonde comes falling out of the room.


"NIALL! Where is Louis?" I ask.

Niall silences and looks up at me.

"Gone." He bluntly says.


Louis P.O.V

It's cold. It's really cold and I have no idea where I am.

That's the first thing that comes to my head when I wake up.

I'm lying down on a cold wooden floor, my head is pounding and something is rubbing against my wrists.

As my eyes open I instantly frown as I face a harsh light hanging above me. I moan before propping myself up on my elbows and sitting up. My head lolls forward causing my neck to ache. I look forward to notice rope binding my wrists together. I try to remove my wrists from them but it only rubs them in more causing me to wince as a line of blood trickles down my arm.

As I try to remember everything that's happened, I hear a door being slammed.

I look up to see three figures standing above me, the darkness hiding their faces.

"At least you're awake." One of them says.

"W-where am I?" I ask.

"Don't worry, you'll be gone from here soon, we need you to do a favour first."

My face frowns in confusion. "What?" I ask.

"You just need to talk to someone, that's all."

I eyebrows scrunch together. Surely it can't be that easy?

The man in the middle laughs before he bends his knees to face me.


I gasp before shuffling back until my head hits the wall. I sit and stare at him in shock.

He grins before pulling out the phone and dialling a number.

"Hello?" The person on the phone says.

"Ah! Hello dear! Just wondering how you're doing?" Derrick smugly says.

I hear the person on the phone shouting a horrible response.

Derrick just laughs before saying "You still owe me money Styles. I want it, now."

I gasp as I realise, he was talking to Harry.

Derrick steps forward towards me before he bends down again in front of me.

"I always get my way." He says before putting the phone up to my ear.

I stare at him before he says "Speak."

"Hello?" I hear Harry say.

"H-Hi Harry."

There is silence for 5 seconds.

"Is that you Louis?!"

"Eh yeah hi Harry." I awkwardly say.

"Are you okay?! Where are you I need-"

I don't hear the rest because Derrick pulls the phone away from my face.

"So Styles, how 'bout now?"

I gulp watching Derricks face, until he turns into a scowl.

"Oh really?!" He shouts.

He chucks the phone to the man standing next to me before grabbing the hem of my t-shirt and making me stand.

"You're little boyfriend doesn't believe me. Such a pity."

Before I can even begin to speak, I feel a growing pain in my stomach. I moan and try to hold my stomach, only pulling the rope tighter. He lands another punch on my face. I yelp before I fall onto the floor.

I hear the faint noise of Harry screaming and Derricks laughing. Until everything turns black.

Hey Guys, short chapter sorry. I don't have school tomorrow so expect an update! See you soon. Xx

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