Chapter 8: Painful (Chanyeol & Chorong POV)

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Chapter 8: Painful (Chanyeol & Chorong POV)

First Posted On: May 28th 2016

Last Updated On: May 28th 2016

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(Chanyeol POV)

Those nightmares...they came back. It already sucks given the tight schedules I, as a member of BEST, have. We already don't have enough time for sleep, despite it being our third year in the industry.

I tossed and turned on my bed and the springs in the mattress just creaked and groaned under my weight and movements. But I was getting frightened. Frightened...because...

"Yah..." I heard Sehun mumble next to me. "You are a little noisy tonight, hyung..."

Not just tonight Sehunnie...nearly every night...

"Mianhae..." I apologised softly. "I...can't sleep."

I managed to keep still for a while and pretty soon Sehun was snoring away. But me? I quietly got off my bed and headed to the dorm's living room to just collect my thoughts.

"It's been three years of various promotions, seven years of overall training..." I told myself quietly. "Why does it still haunt me? More importantly, why can't I seem to remember my own life before being a celebrity? Has fame...really got into my thick skin?"

It was a fact not just for me. The other members have complained about this before. Sure, it is a huge privilege and even a dream to become part of the rising celebrities in pop culture, even more so as a member of a Kpop group. But...we all weren't savouring it to the fullest because of some traumatic events...

Of the members, Doojoon, our leader, and Hoseok were coping better. They 'represent' our leader and maknae lines respectively and they had to put up a good face in front of the fans. Our fans must not be made known of our struggles...yet.

"Something must be done," I whispered. "But I can't just...leave the agency either. What about the members?"

I remembered the recent encounter with Chorong at the chicken feet shop. What would SHE say if I (and the other members) leave the agency? Besides, she didn't know the truth...and it might hurt...



Great, now my phone won't let me sleep. It could be important, so I reluctantly picked it up. At least it was a instant message on KakoTalk, otherwise the person at the other end of the line would get no end of my complaining.

MAMARong: Is this Park Chanyeol?

Even's an unknown number! It would be impolite of me to ignore the person, so I decided to start up a conversation.

(Conversation - Chanyeol and Chorong)

PChanY: Ne...Dugu sae-yo?

MAMARong: Really? You forgot who I am after we met recently?

PChanY: Another sasaeng?


Hang on...that username seems...familiar... Ah~ it's her! Hmm...let me fool around a little. Forget about sleeping. Keke~

PChanY: Why not though? Which person would use one of our songs and put it in their username on Kako? 'MAMA'...really?

MAMARong: Oi...this Park Chanyeol...

Famous But Unknown Kin (APink, EXO, BTS & BEAST Fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now