Chapter 10: Meet Up (Chanyeol & Chorong POV)

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Chapter 10: Meet Up (Chanyeol & Chorong POV)

First Posted On: June 23rd 2016

Last Updated On: June 23rd 2016

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(Chanyeol POV)

(~ One week later ~)

"Where's Namjoon?" I asked the members back in our dorm. "We need his help to wrap these presents."

Since it was the Christmas season, the members and I have stuck to the annual tradition of giving our fans Christmas gifts. They usually consisted of candies and photos of the group. In a few days, we would be having a special fanmeet in which we will distribute the presents to our fans; they always look forward to days like these during the season of giving.

However, we had some five hundred gifts to sort out and wrap, and we were short of manpower thanks to Namjoon.

"No idea hyung," Hoseok, his roommate, answered. "He said he had to head somewhere urgently. No idea when he'll be back."

"He left early in the morning too," Dongwoon pointed out. "It must have been really important?"

"Whatever it is," Doojoon spoke without taking his eyes off tying the plastic wrappers, "he should come back and help us."

He had a point. Every pair of hands would be useful right now.

"Anyway, while he is away," Sehun continued the conversation, "hyung how was your appearance on the show with Chorong?"

"Yes!" Dongwoon chimed. "Do tell us about it!"

You see, since my appearance on 'Radio Star', we all had packed schedules. So much so that there wasn't time to chat about our lives in particular. All the members wanted to know if I had uncovered something from my meeting with Chorong on the show.

Oh well, looks like Namjoon will miss out.

"She was quite funny and dorky on air," I remembered that moment when she failed a lie-detector test that the MCs set up for us.

"How so?" Hoseok asked.

"Well...her dolphin squeal is funny..." I continued to recall.

"More more!" Sehun pestered me. Aish this maknae line...

"Yah," Doojoon seemed to be thinking along the same lines as me, "the recording will be on TV soon. Wait and see what happens. For now, wrapping."

"Ne hyung..." the maknae line sighed in defeat. In the meantime, I still found it amusing that Chorong is crushing on our leader. Well...they are a little similar...

"And Dongwoon ah," Doojoon added on, "don't try and eat the chocolate. It's for the fans, not for you."

"Drat..." Dongwoon put the unopened cadbury chocolate into the goodie bag after being caught in the act. I think after this, Dongwoon and Chorong make a good pair. Especially after what happened after the 'Radio Star' recording...

(Flashback - One Week Ago)

The recording for the show had finally finished and I slowly walked back to the waiting room to rest. It was an active and engaging show to say the least.

On the way back, I could see Chorong ahead of me. The reason why she had left the studio before me was because I had to stay back and let Ailee take a picture of my pendant. Apparently, she thought it was a perfect birthday gift for her omma.

Famous But Unknown Kin (APink, EXO, BTS & BEAST Fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now