Chapter 13: Could It Be...? (Dongwoon & Naeun POV) [Belated Birthday Chapter]

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Chapter 13: Could It Be...? (Dongwoon & Naeun POV)

First Posted On: October 1st 2016

Last Updated On: October 1st 2016

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(Dongwoon POV)

My feet tapped as I waited in a doctor's room. As he dived into the countless numbers of patient reports at hand, I sat in front of him waiting for some important medical information. With my troubled mind and the doctor's focused one, the room was pretty silent.

Honestly, I didn't even understand, at that instant, why I planned all this out in the first place. Was I seeking some answers? Was I merely proving something? Or maybe I knew this was a necessary action after the recent rumors.

"Well, Dongwoon sshi," the doctor finally broke the silence. "I've been informed by my colleague that yours and Namjoon's DNA results are out. But for the girls, theirs would have to wait a while since they're getting examined soon.

"Thanks doc," I nodded. "I just hope things turn out as planned."

You see, what I had suggested, conveniently enough, was to have every member of BEST tested for a DNA match with every member of APink; except Yookyung of course. Truthfully, the public has been urging us to do that for a while, but I guess both our groups have been too stubborn to consider that.

Eventually, under my initiative, BEST stepped forward first. I guess we had to do so as APink's sunbaes.

After some administrative paperwork was settled, I exited the room. Namjoon, who had his check-up earlier, was already waiting for me.

"Things going good, hyung?" he asked me.

"Hopefully," I put on a brave face. "If anything, Naeun might just hate me more because of this sudden DNA test."

"Speaking of her," Namjoon added, "manager hyung just informed me that she and Namjoo have arrived at the hospital."

They will definitely pass us on the way to their doctor's room. Oh yeah, did I mention that APink and BEST went to the same hospital for medical purposes? Yeah, I feel even more silly now with that realisation.

Shortly afterwards, they appeared down the hallway. My eyes caught Naeun's and she also took notice of my presence.

"Dongwoon sshi, N-Nado?" she was a little surprised.

"I've already taken mine," I told her.

Perhaps due to time constrains, APink's manager hurried her on. I could see that Naeun was a little nervous, but I just hoped that she trusted me; that's all I wanted.

"Hyung," Namjoon interrupted my thoughts, "their DNA results will take a while to process. Plus, there's an even longer to wait because they have to examine whether our DNA matches with their DNA. What should we do during this wait?"

"Simple," I had that covered, "we get to know our 'partner' better."

"But...I already went to Ilsan with her and..." Namjoon tried to reason.

"Oh well, at least take her out for lunch or something," I suggested. "But Naeun and I won't be eating with you and Namjoo."

That's because between ourselves, Naeun will be more open to share some of her secrets. Besides, I have a lot to tell her...which includes the truth...

(Flashback - April 2011)

"Look," I added, "we haven't had a comeback for months already. So we aren't trending at the moment either. If anything, we just don't bring up our family names when we have stages or fan meetings. It will be easier for Hoseok and Namjoon since you can use your stage names."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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Famous But Unknown Kin (APink, EXO, BTS & BEAST Fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now