Meeting my brother but leaving my brother

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[AN: For those who are confused about all this, I'll clear it up for you; Yumi is a Water Dragon Slayer but she earned the name The Water Fairy because of her way to actually walk on the water and have water wings. Her dragon's name was Ledo and left in the year x777. She did not find Ledo and "walked" far to Tenroujima, where she found Zeref, who was her brother. She was told this because Natsu wasn't coming to Tenroujima anytime soon.]

I told Zeref about everything I saw and when I got to the boy with pink hair, his eyes widened and he stood up suddenly. "Yumi." He says grabbing me by the shoulders. "I need you to follow this boy's scent, Yumi. He is of utmost importance."

My heart started pounding. Importance? That boy? He looked no more then 16! Ah well, Zeref can use this to train me sometimes. I turn to follow the scent of the boy, which smelled burnt and flame-like. That was a weird smell for a boy about 16. By the way, I'm only 11 and training with Zeref.

We finally made it to the end of the scent, but there was nobody there. "This is the end of the scent, Zeref." I answer to why I was stopping. "Yet I don't see anyone who has the scent..."

I was cut off by a huge man and a tiny woman coming from behind the rock. They talked a bit and were about to go, until Zeref came out. He motioned for me to come out and stood there until I did.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked the lady in glasses. "Master said that no one else was on the island who wasn't a Fairy Tail member." Zeref looked at me to respond. I felt pretty nervous to but I had to. "We have to ask you to leave." I responded. "Some bad things will happen if you don't."

The lady and man looked at me like I was crazy, then looked at Zeref who was holding his head. Dammit Zeref, not again. I thought.

"DUCK!" I yelled to the man and woman. I ran to them in a hurry and pushed them down along with a pink haired boy. Zeref's killing force spread out all over in a giant sphere. I held the man and woman down and took the shot.

So did the pink haired boy.

Zeref's sphere finally faltered and stopped. His eyes landed on the boy near me. "What the hell was that?!" Asked the boy, face full of anger and curiosity. "This was bigger..." I said in a worried voice.

Zeref looked at me first and then the boy. I could see tears streaming down his face as he faced the boy. "Yumi... Natsu..." He says looking at the boy so named Natsu.

"Who do you think you are messing with my family?" Asked Natsu. Zeref looked taken back by that comment. Something felt weird about this... Like Natsu was family... My stomach did all kind of flips as I watched Zeref and his sad look come across his face. It broke me.

Zeref started to walk away. I tried to follow him but he stopped me. "Yumi," he started. "Stay with him and make sure he doesn't see me again. This was our last day training." I didn't want Zeref to leave, he was my brother. Who would be my family now. Zeref came to me and whispered something in my ear. I was shocked.

Then, he left. I felt like crying.

"Hey!" Yelled Natsu. "Where are you going?! Don't just leave!" I looked at the empty spot where Zeref left. He told me what to say to Natsu. All that was left was to say it.

"You know him?" Asked the lady after she got up. I looked at her. "Y-yes." I responded. "I know him but I can't tell you who he is." I looked at Natsu. He was looking at me hopefully as if I would spill and tell him who I was.

"Hey." He says. "Who're you then?"

"My name is Yumi." I say. "Yumi Dragneel. And I think we might be brother and sister."

I am Yumi Dragneel #FTWattyAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now