Him again

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The ice is familiar with water
The ice has seen the water
It knows the water
For the water is what caused its sadness
Because the water left
Years ago
During her time
The ice will meet the water again
And they'll both make up
And then they'll both die with each other
Along with the flame
Who had been her sister
Run Yumi
Because I am close
I am oh so close
To killing the one who had hurt me
And stole you

I split apart from the group of Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Natsu. I looked for a camp of some kind to know if this was a trial of some kind.

I passed a scarlet haired girl and a blue haired girl through the trees, they didn't see me. I passed birds and animals of all kinds.

It seemed as if I had been walking for hours before I saw a man with no shirt on and dark blue hair. No, wait, it couldn't be, was it?

I shook the idea off the top of my head. No, it was a coincidence. He wasn't him, not him again. I paused to think. A bird landed on my shoulder and an animal snuggled up next to my leg. I picked it up without disturbing the bird. It looked at me curiously but happily. The bird chirped with delight.

I reached in my pocket for some seeds. They were seeds that Zeref gave to me when I was bored and some birds landed near me. I fed it to the bird and the animal. Both became happy, and more animals came. I fed them the seeds. I thought only birds could eat seeds like these. I thought curiously. Animals swarmed around me and cuddled me with their softness. I pet their heads and gave them the seeds. Birds flew in the trees near me wonderfully.

It was all so beautiful. I couldn't not laugh in joy as the fur and feathers of animals touched me. I was astounded. What was this remarkable thing? I couldn't hold back. I fell to the ground laughing as the animals tickled me. I calmed down and looked up. The other animals were still and watching in front of me. There was a boy with dark blue hair and no shirt on. He stared at me awestruck.

Upon closer inspection, I realized who it was. He was him alright. He was my brother-in-statement. Gray Fullbuster. I nearly cried when I saw him. The other animals ran away. He was nearly about to cry too. "G-Gray?" I finally stuttered out. "Is it really you?"

"Y-Yumi." He said standing there. "Your here? On Tenroujima?" We both stared at each other, awestruck. I suddenly smiled at cried at the same time.

We were back again, back together. I cried and he laughed.

"Yumi!" He said happily. "I can't believe your here! I'm... I'm just glad that your alive and well!"


I still couldn't believe Gray was here. On Tenroujima, with me. It only seemed like yesterday I was watching him leave. Well, we lost each other more or so.
Year x778
Yumi Dragneel
Age unknown

I kept screaming out Ledo's name, hoping to find her dragon voice again. "Ledo!" I screamed out. "Ledo! Where are you Ledo?" My mind blurred a little from starvation and I fell down a steep hill. I cried.

My cries died down and nature fell silent. It was all so strange. That's how I learned next that nature wasn't quiet. It was me. I blacked out.

The next thing I know, it was night. A fire was lit by a boy with no shirt on and dark blue hair. It was closer to me than him. Wasn't he cold?

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The boy was a older than me and was facing away from the fire. He seemed deep in thought. It would've been best not to disturb him.

"Your quiet." He finally spoke. "Why? Are you afraid of something?"

"N-no." I responded. "Just... Just..."

"Just what?"

"Just can't get the words out to say thank you."

The boy turned around to stare at me. His eyes were dull and unspoken. "Well you said thank you, so just go." He turned around again forcefully. This boy was clearly angry at something. "I get the feeling you have right now." I said. "I have it too."

I turned around to leave. "I get angry at the world too sometimes. But then I realize that I might be part of something big, that I might make a difference one day. But hey, that's just me."

I started to walk, but I felt a tug at my pant leg. "Gray." Said the boy slowly. "My name is Gray Fullbuster."

I turned around and smiled. "Yumi." I responded. "Yumi Dragneel."

"I can't believe I was being lectured by someone younger than me."


We talked the rest of the night about ourselves. Gray said he was looking for a place to call home and that he used to have a mentor called Ur who he lost to a demon named Deliora.

"Did she cast a spell or something?" I asked him.

"Yes." He responded. "A spell called Iced Shell, which traps a being in an iced shell but takes the body of the person who casts it."


We were silent for a few seconds. Only the crackling of the fire could be heard. Crickets played their music. "It's getting late." I finally said. "We should sleep at least." Gray nodded as to say he agreed with me.

I moved over from the fire to a nearby tree. It's shade comforted me. I looked over to Gray. He was putting out the fire he started and facing me. He was the only thing I saw when I closed my eyes.

Silence overcame the forest. The last thing I saw was Gray face away from me and sleep.

I may be part of a plan. I remember me saying to him. What I didn't say was this; I'm afraid and alone, no one cares about me. Please, you don't have to do this for me. I'm nobody.

Courage was the only thing I said but never had.

I am Yumi Dragneel #FTWattyAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now