The God, the Water Fairy, and the Fire Dragon

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As I walked down the sea, Natsu kept beside me as though I was going spread my wings, go into the sky, and fall from that cannon. Whenever I went father than him, he caught up somehow.

We arrived at the bottom of a low cliff. It wasn't very low, but low enough for someone to jump off and land without dying. "No fun if nobody is on the island fighting us." I complained. "Anybody gonna come off that stupid ship?!"

Natsu sniffed the air. "Luckily for us..." He started with his hand on fire. "There's an army coming with magic, and they're just yelling out to be punched!"

As soon as Natsu said it, an army with covered faces and magic came running straight at us. Natsu's fire was ready, my wings were out, and Happy was holding a fish and flying. The army looked positive enough that they were gonna destroy us. Well, they were wrong.

"Water Geyser!" I yelled as I punched the ground. A magic circle appeared under the middle of the army and shot them up with a geyser. An army guy attacked me with water magic from behind. "Ha ha!" He laughed as a second guard threw fire magic at Natsu. "Our magic is a special kind of magic that not even water nor fire wizards can withstand!"

"Ugh! This is the most disgusting fire I've ever tasted!"

"Not bad for water magic, but where's the punch?"

Natsu and I sucked up the magic. Natsu, fire. And me, water. The guards freaked out and started backing up. Natsu and I got ready our attack.

"Fire Dragon--"

"Water dragon--"

"ROAR!" We said in unison. My water and Natsu's fire combined to attack the army. It was a direct hit, half of the army was burnt, hot, and on fire and half of them were wet, cold, and almost drowned.

"H-hey I know these guys..." One guy said facing us scared. "That fire guy is Salamander and that water kid is the Water Fairy!"

"That's right buddy, and you better scram or else I'm gonna burn you to a crisp for messing with my guild!" Natsu yells to them.

"If I were you, I'd run." I finished his sentence. "And if you stay? Well, I'll have some more fun."

"Fun? Well this is my kind of fight!"

The army suddenly looked around hopefully for the voice. Then, a guy with crazed, yellow hair and a crazed look in his eyes came up from behind the cliff. "Well, I see the fun you were having, but these guys aren't needed. So, I'll send them off."

The army was leaving as soon as he said it. "Bye! We're leaving!" I heard one of them say. "Bye!" Said the crazed haired guy. "That Salamander is crazy strong anyway." Said one of them.

The crazed guy looked at them like an arrow. "What?" He asked. "Only I can be the strongest. No one doubts me!"

The guy looked at the army and did a road at them. They all burned and all that was left was nothing. I was shocked and hurt. This guy has no compassion or support for his comrades.

"Who the hell would destroy their own comrades?!" Asked Natsu pissed off.

The guy looked at him smiling crazily. "Who cares?" He said. "They thought you were stronger than me anyway, so I had to kill them. Now then..." The guy cracker his knuckles. "You must be Salamander and this kid must be the Water Fairy. Luckily for you, I won't hurt you fairy. My only job is to destroy Salamander!"

The guy attacked Natsu with his fist. Natsu landed on a rock, trying to hold back his pain by clenching his teeth. "I'm Zancrow, the God Slayer!" Said the guy punching Natsu in the face again. "Remember that name Salmander, when you go to Hell! And you fairy, when you run away from Salamander!"

I cried at the sight of seeing my brother being beaten up by this so called God Slayer. I remember my promise when I met Natsu.

I'll never lose another brother. Not now, not ever.

This was what my promise led to? Suffering for Natsu? A battle between a god and a dragon? A dragon dying? What the hell is this? Why am I standing here, sucking in every single lie this is? I should be fighting!











I stop Zancrow's hand from punching Natsu again. "I told you I don't have trouble with you fairy." Says Zancrow annoyed. "Now scram!"

I struggle to hold the fist in place. Zancrow's magic aura was overwhelming.

"Don't..." I manage to say. "Don't hurt him anymore."

"Or what? What will you do? Your useless anyways! No one likes you!"

"At least- at least someone cares."


"My- my-"

"Your what?!"

I pushed Zancrow away and looked at him darkly.

"My brother."

The magic around me started to die down. My transformation was complete. I had actual fairy wings that were huge and made of water, my armor was blue and was made of lapis. "Natsu." I called to my brother. "Let's beat up this creep."

"Way ahead of you, Yumi." I heard him say getting up. "I'm all fired up now."

"You were right about the fun part, fairy, but even a god can kill you in a second. Should've accepted my spare when you had the chance..."

So now this was it, I was going to face off Zancrow with Natsu and win somehow. I know that I'm not alone and that Natsu is here with me. For now, it's a God vs a Dragon and a Fairy. I have a feeling we will win. No matter what happens....

I am Yumi Dragneel #FTWattyAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now