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"Purehito!" I yell through the empty ship of Grimoire Heart. It was almost quiet, except for a man that spoke at the end of the hall in a throne.

"Ah, so you're the little tike of Mavis. It seems you don't know my true name, Master Hades." He said confidently. "Well then, any last words  before this fight starts, Yumi?

"You brought dishonor on Fairy Tail and Mavis! I'll kill you for that!"

"Try to little fairy, it would have been easier to come slowly and be taken in with Zeref."

That sentence made my blood boil high.

I lunged at Purehito and accessed my new wings. I gained them after I met Mavis. Their blue tips mixed with white light, and were sharp pointed. "Slash of the--" I began.


Even Purehito couldn't dodge this attack! Both of my wings had created an X about the size of the interior of the ship. I could hear and see the interior of the nicely painted ship crack and crumble because of my attack.

"Dodge." Said Purehito making a magic circle about my size. The X stopped in front of his face and disappeared. I had a surprised emotion, but I hid it with anger.

"Damn." I whispered under my breath. "Too powerful for that attack."

"You may be a fairy..." He reminds smirkily. "But I am still the Devil. And I can still crush a little fairy like you."

"Is that what you said before you betrayed Mavis' trust?" I said angrily. "Well IS IT?!"

"No, but you shall join her in your grave very soon."

"If I don't kill you first."

"Like hell that will happen."

"What? Now your cursing your 'subjects?"

"Enough of this. Time to end this once and for all."

Purehito hit like a jackhammer and moved like a bee. His eye was so focused. But so was I. My wings took me up and from there in the air, Purehito and I fought. He was fast, but my dodging was faster. I took some minor injuries, but Purehito took none at all.

"You fight well for a tike of Mavis." He said while I stepped onto solid ground. "As expected of a fairy of water."

"Yeah, well." I said. "You do well for a person who literally calls himself Devil."

"I'm asking you one last time, be taken in with Zeref or die trying to save the guild that the little punk Makarov has changed."

"Heh, like I'd die without even trying to get revenge."

Purehito threw his fist at me. All this guy did was throw punches, why wait for him to punch when I could use magic?

I placed my hands on the ground. "Sea of despair!" I yelled as 4 magic circles covered into a cube. The cube of magic disappeared magically and turned into a whole wave. The wave was huge and took up most of the space of the inside of the ship. Yet, I had this feeling...

The water went around Purehito. His face was very different from what it was before. That was... No.... Impossible... I thought brother hid that magic! Zeref couldn't have...

"Behold Yumi!" He said with the possessed face he now had. "The power of Zeref! You should cower before me and surrender now!"

"Like hell I'll cower before my own brother's power!" I said. "Your just a coward for using it for your own use!"

"Your brother was an excellent wizard, yes, but I would never use his own power for my own use. I'm using it so I can use you."

Strips of dark magic spiraled around my arms and legs. I tried to move them, but the strips of gooey dark magic pulled tighter. "I wouldn't struggled I were you." Said Purehito now it's demons behind him. "That's your brother Zeref's simplest spells in the book, but to mindless fools like you, the spell will be almost be like a magic draining one."

I could feel my powers draining away slowly, my transformation would soon die down. I couldn't keep being this strong for much longer, I had to step out of transformation.

My lapis armor soon faded to my normal clothes. Damn. I thought. Too much magic was used in the fight too keep my transformation up.

"So this is your true form?" Said Purehito still in his demonic form. "It looks so pathetic. It wouldn't even be worth my time to kill you."

He snapped and I felt my own hand produce a circular mirror of water. I still hadn't mastered doing circles of water, so I felt immense pain as he made me do it. "Look at yourself, so-called-child-of-Mavis." He said. "You're face is just like hers, but now it is dirtied with your sins and blood."

When I looked at the still mirror, it was like seeing myself for the first time. You see, ever since I left Gray when I arrived on Tenroujima, I had never even bothered to catch even a glimpse at my face. All because I thought I was vain.

Now, I see myself as a grown up person who was blood ridden. My right eye was closed and dried blood dripped down the side of my forehead. But, I didn't pay attention to my injuries, I payed attention to my hair and eyes.

My once pink hair had turned strawberry red from the summer sun of Tenroujima and my eyes were now blue from too many uses of my Water Fairy form. It was like looking at someone else that wasn't me. It was like looking at...

I looked down, my long hair covering my eyes. "Hurts, does it not?" Said Purehito crushing the solid water mirror with a snap of his fingers. "Good, now I shall bring you to one of Grimoire Heart's cells. You shall stay there alone until Zeref comes."

The last thing I saw were the demons frowning. And the last thing I heard was, "Yumi, they're coming soon, don't worry."

I am Yumi Dragneel #FTWattyAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now