He's Weighing Me Down

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I don't know what came over me when I pressed that emoji. There's something about Alex. Something that makes me say the wrong things. Something that makes me do the wrong things. Something that makes me feel the wrong things.

I like him, don't get me wrong, but I feel like there's something about him that makes me say and do things differently than what I say and do around guys I like.

It's like my brain and my heart are wanting two different things. My heart wants me to fall madly in love with him but, my brain is telling me that I shouldn't be letting some boy change my whole life.

Maybe he is the one but, do I need him to come into my life right now? I'm a senior in high school, right now, and I'm gonna have to start getting ready for college. Do I need Alex to be an obstacle in my way? What if I want to move back to Chicago?

I don't want him to be the deciding factor in my life. I can't just drop everything I've worked so hard for for his love. I want to get a career instead of having babies. I want to live my life to the fullest instead of settling for someone. I want to travel around the world instead of getting married. I want a college education instead of working for a minimum wage at McDonald's.

My goals and dreams are big and I can't have anyone, including Alexander Green, to weigh me down.

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"Jordan, please get out of your room?" My sister says, as she opens my door slightly. I sit on my bed, staring at his text.

Talk 2 u later, Jordan 😊

"Whatcha looking at?" Alice says, stepping into my room, shutting my door, and sitting next to me on the bed. She reads the texts.

"Who the heck is Alex? Is it a boy or a girl?" Alice asks, looking at me in confusion.

"It's a boy," I say, softly, "He goes to my school." All the sudden, her eyes widen.

"Oh my! Jordan has a boyfriend. Jordan Weaver has a boyfriend. Jordan Weaver has a boyfriend named Alex. Jordan Weaver is in big, big trouble with Mommy. MOMMY! MOMMY! JORDAN HAS-" Alice begins to say.

"Do not say a word to mom about-" I begin to say, before Mom cuts me off.

"About what?" She says, opening my door all the way.

"About... About... Dad sending us letters to us every week." I say, saving myself from embarrassment.

"Oh! Anyways, there's a cute boy at the door. I thought you might of been talking about him." My mom says, leaving us to go take a shower in her new bathroom.

"A cute boy? Hmm... Could it be?" Alice says.

"Don't you dare get to the door before me. You'll embarrass the heck out of me!" I say, pleading. Before I know it, we are both running down the stairs to the door as fast as we can. Alice won by a long shot.

She opens the door and, patiently waiting, stands...

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