Chapter 1

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{Hazel Barton}

Gender: Female, Full Human

Age: 12

Hair Color: Brown

Eye color: Blue/ Green

Parents: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff

Location: SHIELD base in Asgard

Skills: Archery, Hand to hand combat

Birthday: 6/12/2003


{ Harper Odinson}

Gender: Female, Half Human half Asgardian

Age: 13

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Brown

Parents: Thor Odinson, Jane Foster

Location: SHIELD base in Asgard

Skills: Hand to Hand combat (in training)

Birthday: 1/17/2002


{Rosie Laufeyson}

Gender: Female, Frost Giant

Age: 12

Hair: Black

Eye color: Green

Parents: Loki Laufeyson, (Mother Unknown)

Location: SHIELD base in Asgard

Skills: Chaos Magic

Birthday: 11/4/2003

{Hazel's point of view}

We're not the outliers in the world, like you think we would be. We're not what you think we are. We're not as 'OK' as we look on the outside. We hurt, we cry, we wish, we dream. Doesn't everyone? Our parents don't make us special. WE make us special. Our life isn't a piece of cake. We fight, we get sad, we smile, we laugh. You know about our parents. Everyone does. But we are more than just 'The Avenger's Daughters'.

This is some of our story, starting from the beginning.
Yes, Clint and Natasha are my parents. I used to live down on earth with my parents. I still have memories from living in the farm house with them. Memories like any kid would have. Making cookies, having movie nights, having cookouts around a campfire. Then the bad memories. I would get yelled at (like any other kid would),) my parents would be called away on sudden missions, and many more. I would go and stay with Steve when mom and dad had to go on missions. Steve visited me on Asgard a few time. He hasn't for a while now, and I don't expect him to either. But a few years ago, when we found out HYDRA was inside SHIELD, things got bad. HYDRA hacked into SHIELD's files. I was in the files, so when they found out Natasha and Clint had a daughter, they used me to black mail them. Things like 'if you don't give us the location of this base, then we will hurt your daughter'. Empty threats. When the threats started to get too bad so they sent me away so I could be safe. Overall it was a normal childhood. Normal to me. Not to most people. I now stay on the SHIELD base in Asgard. I stay in a room with my best friend, Rosie. I know it's weird. How me, daughter of Hawkeye and Black Widow, is best friends with Rosie, daughter of Loki. Very cliche. Honestly, she is nothing like her dad. I have only seen Loki once before. It was from a distance, but that's beside the point. A new girl also came to stay in our room with us a few days ago. Her name is Harper. She just found out a few days ago who her mother and father were. I don't know much about her, because I have had lots of combat and archery training this week so I haven't been around her too much. She seems nice though. Rosie and I are trying our hardest to include her. We want her to feel welcome, and that she can be our friend. I want to give her what no one gave me when I came here. Everyone here acted fake around me. Like they needed to be someone better than they thought they were to be friends with me. I want to be real with Harper. No one should feel like they have to change to be friends with me, because they think I'm better than they are. I'm not. My parents visit fairly often, but not as much as I'd like them too. They're usually away on missions. I'm not the only person in this universe that needs them.
I sound like an angel, I know. I'm
not. I'm as imperfect and flawed and anyone else. We all are.

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