Chapter 13

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{Rosie's point of view}

There I was. I look just like I do now. Except I have on a long black and green dress. I see a little girl hiding in the corner. She's crying. "P-please stop." The little girl says.  I keep moving closer. I grab something out of my pocket. A knife? The girl starts to scream. Then I lunge at her. Then all I see is my father's face, and Tony's voice saying "Maybe she will turn out like her father."
I sit up with a scream. I open my eyes.  It was all a dream.  Right? I scream again before I start crying. I don't want to wake anyone so I try to cry a bit quieter. Someone knocks on my door. I don't answer at first. "I'm coming in now." It's Chase. I hear the door open up, but I don't see it because I'm facing the other way. I continue to cry into my hands. "Hey, what's wrong?" Chase says as he walks in and shuts the door. He must have heard me cause his room is right across from mine. I don't answer him, I don't think I could stop crying right now if I wanted. "I'll just wait here until you want to tell me what's up." Chase says and I feel him sit on the edge of my bed. I try to make myself stop crying, because I don't want to make Chase wait. I sit up on my bed and I look at Chase. I can't see him very well because my eyes are fuzzy. "What's wrong?" Chase asks looking into my eyes. "I-It was just-t a dream-m." I say quietly. "That's not what it sounds like, what happened?" Chase says. "I-I was just like-e my father." I say wiping a few tears still coming out of my eyes. "You'll be okay." Chase says. "Yeah..." I say nodding my head. "It just seemed so real." I say rubbing my eyes. "It's not real. You'll never become like your father." Chase says. I nod and smile at him. I glance over to the clock.

-6:34 am-

"You can go back to sleep, I'll be okay now." I say. "Are you sure?" Chase says. "Yeah." I say and I nod my head.  Chase smiles at me before he walks to the door. "Goodnight." Chase says. I smile at him as he closes the door and leaves the room. I know I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep again. I can go make breakfast. I climb out of my bed to start getting ready. When I lived in the place with Thor, Frigga would teach me to make food. I only know how to make a few breakfast things, so I may need to Google some stuff. I change into a pair of pink athletic shorts, and a gray athletic tank top. I make sure to grab my phone before I leave the room, so I have something to use Google on. I wonder if JARVIS knows how to make pancakes.......

I try to shut the door as quietly, because I assume everyone else is asleep. I turn around and almost scream. "Oh my gosh Chase, I thought you went to sleep!" I whisper. "I knew you wouldn't go back to sleep. So what are we going to do?" Chase asks. I smirk at him. "We're going to make breakfast." I say. "Wow, okay, well let's see how this goes." Chase says. We both walk off down the hallway trying to be quiet. There's noise coming from Hazel's room. My guess is she's in there watching TV. She's the one that always wakes up early. Once Chase and I get down the stairs, I decided we can talk again since everyone is upstairs. "So what are we going to make?" Chase asks as I follow him to kitchen. "Well it depends what's in the fridge." I say. Chase nods his head. I follow him back into the room where we had dinner last night, but we go into the kitchen. It's a really nice kitchen. I hope I don't break anything. There isn't really much I could break. I mean, if it's Chase and I I'm sure we could find a way to break a microwave. "Fridge." Chase says pointing at the fridge. I walk over to it and open it up. "Here Chase, come here." I say. Chase walks over to me and I hand his food. "Eggs." "Milk." "Apples." "Where's the pancake mix?" I ask. "Up there." Chase says pointing to a cabinet as he sets the food down on the counter. I jump Up to reach the cabinet door, but I miss. "Aww, are you too short?" Chase says mocking me. "Yes, Chase as a matter of fact I am." I say. "How about I get for you, shortie?" Chase says. "Yeah that would be nice. It's not my fault the cabinets are "Stark Height"." I say. "It's not my fault were all tall." Chase says. "Just get the food!" I say. "Don't get snappy!" Chase says as he reaches into the cabinet pulling out the pancake mix, and handing it to me. "Thanks." I say and I set it on the counter. "No problem shortie. Oops I meant Rosie." Chase says. I playfully slap him in the arm. "There are instructions on the back, thank goodness. You can get a bowl." I say reading the back. "Are you sure, because the bowls are in the lower cabinets..." Chase says. "Just get the bowls!" I say. Chase and I both laugh. Chase and I work together to mix up the batter, and we decide we're going to put chocolate chips in some of them. "So how's long do I cook it on this pan?" Chase asks as he pours some batter on to it. "Well we should have thought of that BEFORE you put the batter on!" I say walking over to him. "Well it's too late for that." Chase said. "Well, then just flip it when it turns golden on one side." I say as Chase puts the chocolate chips in the pancake.    "Okay." He says. "Do Wanda and Steve eat with us too?" I ask. "They usually do." Chase says. "Well then we're going to need a lot of food. I'll cut up the fruit." I say grabbing the bag of apples. "Now Rosie. This means I trust you with a knife, so you have to be careful." Chase says. "Oh my gosh Chase." I say as I pick up the knife off the counter and start to cut the apples into slices. "I'm going to flip this now." Chase says. He grabs the handle of the pan and throws the pancake up. It flips over and he catches it back in the pan. "Show off." I say. "Oh come on, it's not that hard, I bet you could do it." Chase says. "Well let's see." I say. I walk over and take the pan from him. I throw the pancake up, but knowing me with all my mistakes, I mange to throw it backwards. "What the-" I turn around and the pancake hit Tony in the face who was walking into the room. "U-Uh... Surprise we're making breakfast!" I say setting the pan down and making jazz hands. "Yeah, I see." Tony says picking the pancake off the floor and throwing it in the trash can. "Chase, you can make a new one." I say handing him the flipper. "Yeah, I think it would be smart if I did the flipping..." Chase said. I jokingly scowl at him and he smiles. "Why are you awake already?" I ask Tony as I put the apple slices in a bowl and start cutting another one. "I just woke up. I was walking down to the lab and I heard people in the kitchen, so I decided to come in and get whacked in the face with a pancake." Tony says leaning against the door way. "Yeah, sorry about that. Chase said he thought I could do it!" I say. "Sure, blame it on Chase my ever perfect son." Tony says walking over and patting Chase on the back. "Yeah sure perfect." I say and I shake my head. "Well, I'll help." Tony says and he takes the carton of eggs. "They have to be scrambled!" I say. "Wow, look at miss picky." Tony says. "What's up with you Starks calling people names!" I say making everyone laugh.
{Hazel's point of view}

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