Chapter 21

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{Hazel's point of view}

"30 minutes, tops, till landing." Tony says from the front of the helicarrier. Smack dab in the middle of nowhere. Rosie is smack dab in the middle of the woods.

~Half an hour ago~

Chase found a way to track Rosie's magic. I'm still not sure how, I'm not a science-y person like Chase or Tony or Emerson. I mean, I can pass science.
But if you want to know the diameter of a 3000 foot building and you want to know how many people are inside every square foot and all I can use to figure it out is a pencil and paper, then you're out of luck.
Back to the point. He found some way. Tony had Jarvis set up the software or something like that into his hard drive. So now Jarvis can track her magic down and give us a location. But we quick grabbed a few Avengers. Steve. My dad. The rest stayed behind. And of course we got Harper. But now we're here. They say I can't go into wherever she's being held because of my crutches. (Which once were back at the base, will be a cast.) I really want to help get her out but I know they can handle it. And if I got hurt in there it would just make matters worse. We're all sitting in the back of the helicarrier strapped into our seats. Steve and Tony are upfront and Harper, My dad, Chase, Emerson, and I are in the back. It makes me happy knowing within the next 2 hours she's going to be back with us. Brightening the mood of everyone she's around. Making people smile. Never a dull moment. I never realized how much I would miss her until she's gone. But that's life. Us, as humans, we take so much for granted. We don't realized how blessed by God we really are. You don't realize what you really have until it's too late. Your friends. Your family. We don't realize how amazing our life really is. We always focus on what we don't have. Instead of what we have. Because we get so used to the lifestyle of having everything placed before us. That's what it's like with Rosie. I never realized how much she meant to me until I don't have her. But life is a lesson. And every lesson improves your life. We just need to realize this. "Mr. Stark, The nearest clearing is a half mile from your location." JARVIS says. "Bring her down JARVIS." Tony says. "Get ready to go guys, we don't know what kind of security Loki could have around this place. Be prepared." Steve says grabbing his shield and putting it on his back. We unstrapped ourselves from the seats and we gather weapons as the helicarrier slowly lowers to the ground. I grab 2 guns and put one in my waistband and the other in my good hand. (The one without the crutch, of course.) Harper, looking confused not knowing what to do, I walk over to her. I hand her gun from off the shelf. "It's automatic. You don't have to cock it. Just pull the trigger and it'll shoot. Don't hurt yourself." I say smiling and placing the gun in her hand. She chuckles and takes the gun. She holds it as though it's the most dangerous thing in the world. I crutch back over to Emerson. "You gave Harper a gun?" Emerson asks me as he types on his laptop and then gets his weapons. "It's empty. She feels safe now though." I say making Emerson laugh. The helicarrier rattles as it hits the ground and the platform lowers to the ground. I crutch my way out of the helicarrier and I can sense everyone close behind me. I hold my gun out in front of me, preparing for the worst. Okay maybe not the worst.  Because the worst would be gigantic spiders. And no one can be prepared for that. I hear the metal of Tony's suit clank as it hits the platform. "Hazel stay there, I'm going out first." Tony says. He walks down the platform. Nothing happens nothing goes off. "JARVIS, scan the area for any signs of security or weaponry." Tony says. We wait a few second. "Area scanned. No threats found." JARVIS says. "It's good guys." Tony says. We all walk out and into the woods. The sun shines through the trees and I hear the birds chirping. It reminds me of when my mom, dad, and I would go for Hikes. We would follow the trail, but we end up making our own trails through the woods. My parents were pretty good navigators. And their shield GPS's helped out a bit. "How far is it Tony?" Clint asks. "Should only be a 5 minute walk. This way." Tony says walking off into the woods. I hesitate and then follow. Emerson comes up and walks beside me. "It's all easy from here. Loki won't even see it coming." Emerson says. I smile the truest smile I've made in a few days. And it feels nice. "And she'll be so happy when we show up." I say. Emerson nods his head. Harper walks up on the other side of us. "I won't have to shoot anyone with this will I?" Harper asks holding out the gun in her hand like it's the most disgusting thing ever. "You shouldn't have to, just for protection." Emerson says. "Good, good, that's good." Harper says. "To be honest, after this, I can't wait to get back to the base. It's gonna be pretty great to be back. Waking up early. The same fruit cup every day for breakfast. " I say smiling. "And I can finally get a routine. Maybe actually learn how to shoot one of these." Harper says making an awkward motion towards the gun. "And I can keep my routine. And then I re-create one of those things." Emerson's says copying the same awkward motion towards Harper's gun that she made. We all laugh. Chase walks in the back behind all of us. I guess he's still worried. Maybe I should be too, I don't know. I look out in front of us. "What the...." I say slowly. The only thing before us is a rock Cliff. And we're at the bottom. "I'm flying up to the top. That must be where it is." Tony says. He flys off and over the top. We all walk up and stand before a wall. Just one wall separating us. Tony flys back down and he lands. "Nothing's up there. We'll go back to the helicarrier and reset the program. That should fix it." Tony says. None of us complain and we turn around to go back. My crutch gets caught on a rock and I tumble backwards. I close my eyes getting ready for the pain I get when I smash my head on the cliff. But nothing happens. I open my eyes. The room is huge. Room? Sure we'll call it a room. Inside the wall. In the middle of the room is just a house. Not exactly a house. More like a square. Also made of rock. "That is Weird...." Tony says. I almost jump as I see him behind me. "Did I fall through the wall?" I ask. Not every teenager gets the privilege to ask that question. "Yeahhh." Tony says. Before I know it the whole team is in the cave/room. "Well, should we knock?" Tony ask, a mini missile coming up from his shoulder. "Tony no! You could hurt Rosie!" Steve says. "Maybe we could just try this door that's over here?" Harper says, standing on the other side of the building. "That would be easier." Tony says, the missile retracting.

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