Chapter 6

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{Harper's point of view}

I follow Maria out the door and close it behind me. I walk beside her and I can feel my heart beating. Beating very fast. "Thor and Jane will be waiting in the throne room when we get there. I cannot go into the palace with you, so you will have to go in by yourself. There will be guards there to direct you to the throne room." Maria says as we approach the doors to go outside. "Alright." I all I can seem to say. I haven't seen my parents yet and alright is all I can say, will I be able to say anything when I see them. Thoughts keep forming in my head. The thoughts come slowly, but then all come at once. What if they want me to call them mom and dad right away? What if my outfit looks bad? What if I'm not smart enough from Jane, she is getting a Nobel Prize? Maria punches a few numbers into the key pad and we walk outside. I can see the palace when we walk out. I follow Maria down a path, leading towards the palace is my guess. I play with the lanyard around my neck. Did I remember Perfume? What if they think the way I'm dressed is bad, not Asgardian enough? The palace grows bigger and bigger until it's towering over me and I'm standing in front of 2 gold doors. There are 2 guards standing outside the door who when I approach they bow down. "Oh gosh, uh no don't do that. Just stand." I say stuttering. The guards stand back up. Maria is standing behind me allowing me to take charge. I clear my throat. "I'm meeting Thor and Jane inside." I say. The guards look at Maria who nods her head. They step out of the way and open the doors. "Harper, this is where I have to stay, but there are guards right inside who will tell you where to go. I nod my head and slowly walk inside. It's magnificent. The most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life. I hear the doors clang shut behind me making me jump. I see 2 more guards standing up ahead of me so I approach them. They look down at me. Once they realize who I am they slowly start to bow. Do they all know who I am here? "No please don't do that. Just stand." I say. They stand again. "I'm from an orphanage and going from unwanted to people bowing to m-" I stop myself. "And you guys don't really care..." I said. "Could you tell me where the throne room is?" I ask them. "Right this way." One of them says. He starts off down a hall way and I following. I have to use twice as many steps as he does to be able to keep up with him. I listen to his heavy boots clank down the hall, as my Toms make no sound. He stops abruptly and I bump into him. "I'm sorry..." I say. I am waiting for him to scowl at me but it doesn't come. Instead he motions down the hall way to a door at the end. "In there?" I ask. He nods his head. "Well Thanks." I say. He begins to bow before he leaves. "Hey no, I said no bowing." I say. The man immediately stands up. "I'm sorry." He says. "Don't be so proper. High five." I say and I put my hand up. The man is very confused. "Now you put your hand up and hit mine." I say. "I will be tortured to death if I harm you." The man says. "It's not hurting me. It's just a- you know what never mind. Thanks." I say. The man turns around and walks down the hall way back towards the entrance. I giggle to myself but the butterflies in my stomach come back as I turn to face the grand gold doors at the end of the hall. The throne room. I force my feet to move forward one by one. Just keep calm. I'm now standing in front of the door. Just open it. I place my hand on the door. It's cold at my touch. Do I push or pull? I'll try pull. I yank back at the door. It starts to move but I grunt, as the door is very heavy. I mange to open it enough for me to slip in and I quick slip in. I turn around and I front of me is a long table. At the end of the table is a stage type thing. On that is a magnificent throne. Down at the end of the table is a man and a woman sitting across from each other. They don't see me yet. The doors slams closed behind me and the man and woman's head quick jerk up and look at me. I tuck my blonde hair behind my ear. Please let them say something. This is very awkward. The man and woman, who I now recognize has Thor and Jane both slowly stand up from the table look at me. I feel very odd standing here. I look down at my shoes and click them together. "Hi." I look up. It must be Thor. He has a rich accent, one of which I have never heard before, other than a hint of it in Rosie's voice. He is dressed in what looks like full body armor and a long red cape. Man Rosie wasn't lying, he does wear a cape. Jane is dressed in a long green dress. This must be an Asgardian dress. I hope I don't have to wear one of those. They look uncomfortable and I like my normal clothes. "Hi." I say back softly. My voice echoes in the big quiet room. "I am Thor." The man says as he and Jane stand I front of me, a pretty good distance. "I'm Harper." I say. They seem so nice and caring, why would they give me up..... "I'm Jane." Jane says. "Hi." I say softly trying not to look into their eyes for too long. This has to be as awkward for them as it is for me. Because right now all I want to do is blurt out the questions in my head that have been there forever: Why? Why would you give me up? "Rosie has told me much about you." Thor says as he holds hands with Jane. "Yeah." I say looking at the ground. Yeah? Really that was all you could think of to say?! Come on Harper! I look back up from the ground and look at them. My eye color is the same as my mothers. "How do you like it here in the palace?" Jane asks. "It's beautiful. I love it. It's nothing like I've ever seen. I never saw anything like this while I was in the orphanage." I say. I see Jane look up at Thor. "Oh Gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I say. "No it is alright." Thor says. Harper why would you say that! Come on! Don't hurt their feelings! I just want to know why... There must be a reason. "I'm really sorry...." I say looking at the ground and tucking my hair behind my ear. "It's fine. We're sorry we had to leave you." Thor said. I can't take it anymore. "Why? Why did you leave me?" I ask. I can feel my eyes start to water. "We had to send you to the orphanage to keep you safe when you were a baby. It was our plan all along to get you back." Jane says. "Well how did you manage to do that?" I ask keeping my face at the floor so they wouldn't see I was in the verge of tears. "We had the lady in charge of the orphanage make sure you didn't get adopted." Thor says. I jerk my head up and look at them. I see Jane's face soften as she sees I am about to cry. "So I could have had a normal life. With a family who wanted me. So maybe someone did want to adopt me at the orphanage but you made sure they didn't! I live the first 13 and half years of my life thinking something was wrong with me! That no one out there loved me! You are a god of thunder, and you couldn't protect me!" I say raising my voice as I go on. I bite my lip and look back down at the ground. "Harper..." Thor starts to say. "I just need to be alone for a while." I say. I turn around and shove myself into the door making it push open. "Harper wait!" I hear Thor yell. I start to run down the hall. As I reach the end I hear him open the for after me. I just want to be alone. I run as fast as I can go running down a number of halls, getting lost somewhere. I run until I reach the end. I stop and wipe my eyes. I hear something move beside me. I look over. The wall is made of some type of glass. Inside is a man lying on the floor with his back propped up against the wall. He started back at me with piercing green eyes. Oh my gosh. I feel his glare but I can't look away. The raven black hair. The piercing green eyes. "Rosie." I say. The man's face softens. He jumps to his feet and walks over to the glass. He puts his hands against the glass. "How do you know her?" He says with a sly and determined tone. I stare up into his eyes. This must be her father. I hear footsteps running down the hall. "Harper! Get away from there!" Thor yells. I want to back away but I can't leave his stare. Thor grabs my arm and I snap back to reality. He slowly drags me away from the glass. The man in the glass face turns stiff as Thor pulls me away. "HOW DO YOU KNOW HER.? HOW DO YOU KNOW ROSIE?" He yells. "Come on." Thor says. Thor picks up the speed and I run behind me back down the hall. I hear the man scream as I turn the corner. Thor runs with me all the way back into the throne room where Jane still is. Thor gets down on his knee so he is eye level with me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod my head and run my eyes. "Listen, you must not talk to that man." Thor says. I nod my head and look him in the eyes. "I'll get Maria and have her take you back to the base." Thor says. I shake my head. "I'm okay." I say. "Are you sure?" He asks me. "I'm fine." I say. Thor stands back up. I wrap my arms around him. I can feel him place his hands on my back. He feels strong. "It's alright Harper." He says into my ear. I let him out of the hug. "Do you want to sit down so we can talk?" Jane asks. I nod my head. I sit at the end of the table and one of them sits on either side of me. "I'm sorry for running away." I say. "It's alright. We understand. We thought at the time, that it was beat we sent you to Midgard." Thor says. "I know. It's alright." I say. Jane smiles at me. Her smile looks like mine. "Who was that man?" I ask Thor. "I think you may already know." Thor says. "Loki." I say. "Yes." Thor says. "That's Rosie's father." I say. "Yes, that's him." Thor says. He's going mad in there. No wonder they keep him away from Rosie. "He's going mad in there." I say. "Yes he is." Thor says sadly. "Does he ever come out?" I ask. "He's can't be let out. He isn't safe. If we let him out, then Rosie is not safe." Thor says. I nod my head. "I can't believe that is Rosie's father." I say. "Yes, she's nothing like him." Jane says. I nod my head in agreement. "Enough about him. What things do you like to do?" Jane asks. I smile. "I don't have very many hobbies. I like reading, but there wasn't very much for me to do in the orphanage." I say. Jane nods her head. "What do you like to do?" I ask Thor. He looks shocked. "What do I like to do? Good question. I-I I'm n-not sure." He says. I smile. "Everyone likes to do something." I say. "I guess I like to eat, and hit things with my hammer." Thor says. I laugh. "Well I guess that counts.

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