Chapter 3

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{Harper's point of view}

          I woke up around 6 am and now it's 6:30. I'm researching everything I can find about my newly found parents on the SHIELD laptop I was provided with. I hear the door open, and Rosie and Hazel walk in. "You're awake!" Rosie says and sat down on the edge of her bed. "Yep." I said. Hazel doesn't say anything to me, she just grabs some clothes out of her dresser and heads for the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower. Do either of you need to get in here?" Hazel asks.
          And right there is a perfect description of Hazel, from what u can already tell about her personality. Almost like the mom figure in the group. Always remembering things like, suntan lotion. Making sure to keep our room clean (mostly Rosie's part of the room. I'm kind of a neat freak.).
          "I don't." Rosie says. Rosie moves her hands in a few swift motions making a granola bar lift up from off the table and hover over to her. "Show off." Hazel says. "That's actually the first time I've been able to get it to work!" Rosie tries to defend herself. "Do you need in here Harper?" Hazel asks me. I, rudely, totally forgot to answer the first time. "Oh, no." I say. I hear Hazel shut the door. Rosie stands up and sits down next to me on my bed. "What ya looking at?" Rosie asked me. "I'm just looking up things about my parents." I say. "You shouldn't be nervous. Thor is really great, his brother, aka my father, not so much. Then again, it's not like I know much about my dad. I can't even form my own opinions on him." She says. I chuckle a little and push my long blonde hair out of my face. "I'm not kidding though, I lived with Thor for many years and he's really sweet under all that muscle. ALL that muscle." Rosie says. I click a few more keys on my laptop and go to images. Lots of pictures of him pop up. "Wow. You look so much like him." Rosie says looking from the screen to my face and back to the screen again. "You think so?" "I do think so." Rosie says and takes a bite of her granola bar. "You look like your dad, except you don't have the cheek bones." I say. I only know what Loki looks like because there a pictures of him from the battle of New York. "Lots of people tell me that." Rosie says standing up off my bed and getting out her hair brush. "You have the same hair color." I say. "It's pitch black. It makes me look scary." Rosie says brushing through her hair. There is a knock at the door. I look up from my screen. "I got it." Rosie says finishing tying her long, slick, black hair into a pony tail. She opens the door. "Maria Hill, Hi. Come on in." Rosie says. Maria walks in. Rosie runs (aka, a fast walk) around trying to clear a space for her to sit down. "Here" Rosie says, motioning for her to sit down. "Thanks."  "I guess we should clean up around here. It was clean this morning, but then I was trying to use my magic on, like, everything." Rosie says. Maria smirks. "You know, you act a lot like your father, minus the crazy villain part." Maria says and takes out a folder from under her arm. "Well, then, thanks I guess." Rosie says. She must get tired of people telling her she's like her dad. Rosie sits back down next to me. "Is Hazel here?" Maria asks. "She's in the shower." I say. "Well I'll talk to you girls first." Maria says. To be polite, I close my lap top and set it down beside me. "Harper, your father will be back from Earth today, so would you be comfortable meeting him tomorrow?" Maria asks. I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Oh, yeah, sure." I say. I lie. No, I wouldn't be comfortable. I'm the biggest worrier ever. Maybe it's best if I don't have time to worry though. Maria stands up and handed me a packet of information. "That's just a few things you should know. Your parent's relatives, friends, just a few thing Director Fury wanted you to have." Maria says. "Wait, Director Fury knows who we are?" Rosie asks. "Even though you may not like to admit it, but your important. You guys are the Avengers kids!" Maria says. Just like on earth, at the orphanage, I was specified into a group. Orphans. Here, I'm placed into another group. "Yeah I guess you're kind of right." Rosie says. I set the information beside me, even though I'm dying to read it. The bathroom door opens and Hazel walks out in jean shorts and a crop- top. "Oh, Hi Maria." Hazel says brushing through her hair. "Do they actually let you dress like that here?" Asks Maria. "What's wrong with this?" Hazel asked looking down at her outfit. And I was going to tell her that I thought she looked nice. "Well, nothing. It's just everyone on the SHIELD base I work at wears uniforms and suits." Maria says. "Oh. Well everyone on this base is mostly teenagers. So I guess we don't wear uniforms." Hazel says. "Okay, well, back to the point. Hazel, tomorrow while Harper is meeting her family, your parents are going to visit." Maria says. I can tell Hazel is trying to hold back a smile; instead she nods her head and tries to act professional. I can tell Hazel acts like she has it all together.
           If you can tell by now, I'm very perceptive of people. I think I'm pretty good at it. At the orphanage I would play a game with myself. I know it sounds wrong but it was all in good fun. When a foster family came to pick me up, I would form an opinion on what I thought they were like. Then, for the days I was with them, I would see if I was right. I usually was.
          "That's all I came to say. I'm not sure why Director Fury sent me all the way to Asgard to tell you that. I could have easily e-mailed." Maria says standing up. "Well, thank you for coming here." I say. "It's my job." Maria says as she walks towards the door. That's makes it sound like she has no interest in seeing us. Maybe she doesn't. "Thank you!" Hazel says as Maria heads out the door. "Hey guys I'll be right back. I need to talk to Maria quick." Rosie says. She runs out the door before and Hazel or I can say anything.
{Rosie's point of view}
          I run off down the hall after Maria. I catch up to her in the next hall way. "Maria!" I yell. She turns around. I go up beside her. "Yes?" Asks Maria. "Just a question. I was just, yeah I just, would it be possible, ya know, for me to maybe meet my dad sometime soon?" I ask. I know the answer, yet I always ask. I don't want to live with him. I just want to hold one conversation. Be able to form my own opinion on him. "I'm sorry, we can't do that anytime soon. It's not safe." Maria says. "Yeah, that what I guessed. Have nice day." I say as I turn around and slowly walk down the hall way looking at the ground. I can feel Maria's eyes follow me around the bend, but then I'm out of sight. It's not like he could get to me anyway. He would be in the prison. Just one conversation is all I want. Everyone says I look like him, but I want to see it with my own eyes. I walk back into the room where Harper and Hazel are talking. Hazel is pulling her hair up in the mirror. "Hey, why did you leave?" Hazel asks. "Oh it was nothing." I say as I go to my dresser. I search through the drawers until I find my eye shadow. I stand next to Hazel in the mirror and put on some eye shadow. "Hey, Hazel. Did you want go for a walk. Around Asgard I mean." I ask. "Sure." She says. "Oh Harper, we would ask you if you wanted to come, but for some reason who knows why, but they don't want you to leave the building until you meet your family. Maybe because you might run into them before hand?" Hazel says. "No it's alright, I want to look through this packet anyways." Harper says. "Are you ready?" I ask Hazel. "Yep. Don't forget your lanyard." Hazel says putting the hair tie in her hair. We need our lanyards so we can check in and out of the building. The door on the main floor only opens if you swipe your lanyard or if you know the pass code. I grab my lanyard and put it around my neck. I also have on jean shorts, and a black tank top. Hazel and I head out the door and into the hallway. I see Chase walking down the hall. "Hey Chase!" I say. "Hey Rosie!" Chase says. Hazel also waves to him. "Where are you headed?" Chase asks. "We're just going for a walk. You could join us." I say. "Hey, I would love to, but I have some "sciencey things" as you like to say." Chase says. Hazel and I laugh and push the button for the elevator. I usually use the steps, but the elevator is faster. The doors open and Hazel and I step in. "Your hair is so long." Hazel says examining my pony tail. "Yeah, I should get it trimmed a little bit." I say. The elevator door opens. We walk out and make a right down the hall. On our left is the door to get out. I swipe my card. It clicks and I walk out of the door. The door locks behind me. I hear the door click again and Hazel walks out behind me. It looks amazing out here in Asgard. Surrounded by the sky, all the animals, all the people. It is beautiful. "Do you want to go to the rainbow bridge?" I ask eagerly. "Sure!" Hazel says. We make a left on the trail and head in the direction on the bridge. It's already in sight, but it will still take a few minutes to get there. There are few Asgardians pointing at me and Hazel. I know they're all thinking about me. Oh look, the daughter of Loki, she's probably bad just like her father. I'm really not. Oh and look it's Hazel, daughter of Hawkeye and Black Widow, why is she with Loki's daughter?! I know that is what they're thinking. "Just ignore them." Hazel says and put her arm around me giving me a hug, and then letting go. I smile. "Look how gorgeous it looks." I say. "It's amazing." Hazel says as we approach The Bridge. We walk out into the bridge looking down as the colors flow beneath our feet. At the other end of the rainbow is the Bi-Frost and on the end we came on at, is the palace. Hazel and I sat down on the edge of the bridge dangling our feet off the edge. "You know, if you fall, you'll have the same fate as your father." Hazel says. "Haha, you're hilarious." I say sarcastically. I hear a boom from the other end of the rainbow, at the Bi-Frost. Hazel and I stand up from the edge and look to see who came through the Bi-Frost. I scream. "THOR." I yell. I run off towards the other end with Hazel at my heels. Thor's head turns in my direction. He smiles and opens his arms to embrace me in a hug. I run into his arms. Even though his armor digs into my skin, it doesn't hurt too badly. "And how is my favorite niece?" Thor asks with his rich accent. "Good." I say releasing Thor from the hug. "Well, you and Hazel should be more careful about running on this bridge. We know what happened to your father." Thor says. "Yeah, yeah, I know." I say. "How is it at the base?" Thor asks. "Good. How is earth?" I ask. "Earth is good. Hazel, your parents are fine too, and they are very excited to see you." Thor says. Hazel smiles. "Why were you down on earth anyways?" I ask. "Just like your father, so many questions." Thor says. I may just scream if another person mentions my father. "I know, I know, but why were you?" I ask again. "I had a few things to talk about with Jane. Jane is going to be coming up to Asgard tomorrow, and she'll be staying here for a while." Thor says. "Why?" I ask. Thor chuckles. "That is a matter I can't discuss." Thor says. "It's your daughter, right?" You ask. Thor's face goes stern. "How did you know about that? Did you use your magic on My Brain?!" Thor asks."No Uncle, Hazel and I share a room with her. She is really nervous to meet you, and besides you don't have a brain I can use my magic on." I say. Hazel laughs. "You still have your sense on humor. Well now, we're both nervous." Thor says. "You're nervous too?" I ask. "Yes I am." Thor says. "Well your gonna love her." Hazel says. "Yeah, you will." I say. "I'm sure I will." Thor says. "Your hair is so long, and I thought mine was the longest in the family." Thor says moving his hammer into his other hand. "Oh my gosh, uncle." I say and I playfully punch him in the arm. "Ouch, gosh, even your muscles hurt." I say. Thor and Hazel laugh. "Hey Uncle, could I ask a favor?" I ask. "Anything for you." Thor says. "Could I visit my father? I don't even know what he looks like, except of a few photos. I just want to have a conversation." I say. "I can't do anything but that. I'm sorry, Rosie, I can't. One day." Thor says and pats me on the back. I sigh. "I'm very sorry, but I must go. I have some duties to attend to." Thor says. Hazel snickers. "What?" Asks Thor. "Well it's just, you said duties." Hazel says. "You know, you are very much like your father when he is in a good mood." Thor says. Hazel smiles. "Farewell my niece and Hazel." Thor says. He gives me a kiss on my head and walks off down the bridge. "Good bye!" I yell after him. Thor is at the end of the bridge in a matter of second because of his long strides. "We should head back and check on Harper." Hazel says. "Your right, let's go." I say. Hazel and I head off down the bridge and back towards the base.

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