A Secret

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She had everything she could hope for, money, a good family, and all the friends in the world, but the one thing she was hoping for in her life was love. But she had a secret that might drive away anyone who knew of it. Years ago her sister had perished at a young age in a terrible accident, that night the mansion was cold, the empty hallways creaked as the wind hit the windows, a clap of lighting woke Jane up from the restless sleep she was in, she turned towards the window, opening it she looked outside the wind entering the room. She felt a weight on her shoulder, whipping her body around she saw nothing but her empty, dark room, turning back around towards the window cautiously she saw a hooded figure standing in the front of her home a single candle lighting up their face. "Who-who are you.? She whispered to herself gripping onto the side of the window supporting herself up to the windowsill. The thing began coming closer, moving at fast pace, in a few seconds time it was at the window looking down at Jane.

"What did you say little girl?" His breath smelled of death and sadness.


"Don't stutter, it kills me more." He looked deep into her eyes with his black pits of sorrow. "Your sister misses you gravely."

"You know my sister?" Jane asked still shaking slightly.

"Yes she came and visited me... in hell!"

"Hell? But my sister was a good child, some could say an angel."

"Yes but I had been watching her for many, many years, and I have decided that she would be better in hell than in heaven."

"But she was perfect, why did you trap her down there?!"

"Well I could make you a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yes a deal to take your deceased sister out of hell and up to where the gods sit."

"What's your game Satan?" She asked poking at his chest.

"Game? It is but a deal, you will have to find a lover by your twentieth birthday if you would like your sister to survive." Jane looked at him afraid, she was only sixteen, she couldn't possibly find someone to love her in this demanding world of hate.

"And what if I don't?"

"Well we'll see what happens to your precious little sister." He looks down at her once more. "So do we have a deal?" The demon asks, smirking. She sighs, looking down.

"Deal.." He smiles, his sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlight. He takes her hand quickly in his, shaking it vigorously. She gasps, seeing his long, black nails. He soon releases her hand, she looked up at him once more. Taking a knife of the table she stabbed him with it, a black liquid flowing down her hand and dripping onto the floor. His hand began to shake, gripping on to her wrist one last time before he fell to his death, in his dying breath he said the one thing that could have shaken up anyone.

"Take care of hell for me sweet-heart, it is yours now."

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