One Last Time

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Nathan had left a few hours ago, since he had to get ready for the banquet, Jane made her way up the stairs, clothing herself in the extravagant dress then she put on a pair of black high heels, she made her way around, smiling at the loud clicks erupting from the thin high heels. She looked at her reflection in the mirror slightly smiling at what she saw, her hair hung straight down around her face. Jane hung her mother's locket around her neck, hearing the doorbell she rushed downstairs turning the doorknob, she opened it slightly looking at the well-dressed man outside, Nathan had a nicely tied bow-tie around his neck, his beard shaved with precision, his wonderful eyes popping with the setting sun. He smiled at her. "Ready to go beautiful?" Jane nodded and took his hand that was outstretched in front of him. Making their way to the limousine in front of the home, he opened the door for her. Sitting at the back she had closed her eyes

"My god she looked beautiful." He thought. "The way her hair danced around her face and her bright blue eyes, oh my, she was perfect. And tonight would be the night that I see under all those perfections and see the real her, she what it truly inside." He smiled at the thought of her beautiful body, her perfections all in front of him for him to touch.

"Are you alright Nathan?" He looked at her and nodded. Ahead they saw the hall where the banquet was being held, large flower bouquets in large ceramic vases outlined the doors, but before a long black carpet lead to the doorway where two large men stood, with security outfits on. The limo stopped in front of the large building, the door opened abruptly by the chauffer. His clammy, wrinkled hand stretched out Jane took it and he helped her out of the limousine, she carefully stepped on to the sidewalk, walking over the cracks of the side walk. Behind her Nathan, intertwining his arm in hers, she blushed and made her way inside of the building after passing by the guards. A wide hall was empty in need for decorations, going into the ballroom, metal tables were set up around, blood red drapes covered the large windows, and flower bouquets stood at every corner and beside every window, a huge low chandelier hung in the middle.

Nathan sighed and looked at what they needed to do before the guests arrived, he looked at Jane who had a clip board in her hands looking at the list of things they had to do. "Alright so we have to put the table cloths on the table, the flower bouquets in the middle of the tables, then set up the plates and forks and whatever, then—" She froze as she noticed Nathan looking at her intently, he leaned on the table smirking at her. "What?"

"You're so stunning when you speak." Jane laughed looking at him.

"No I'm not." She put down the clip board and took the neatly folded table cloth from the seats, and spread it out on the table, smoothing out the creases. Nathan went to the other side of the hall and started spreading out the burgundy table cloths on the plain wooden tables. After they were finished they started placing the flowers on the tables, Jane looked over at Nathan who was having troubles centering the vases. She laughed and walked over to him.

"I got this!" Jane laughed.

"You really don't" She grabbed the vase out of his hands and placed it directly in the middle of the table. "Was that really that hard?" She asked.

"Well... ugh shut up! It's not my fault that your good at everything." She shook her head. "Stop shaking your head at me, take a compliment." He stepped forward towards her. "You are so good at everything, even the things you don't think you're good at you probably are." He gripped her hips and she giggled like a little girl and smiled. "Well I think that was hands down the cutest thing I have ever heard." She smiled and went back to fixing the tables, placing all the plates with the thousands of forks, knives, and tiny spoons around. Jane looked at the time, seven-twenty, the guests would arrive any moment. Jane made her way to the entrance where the guards waited for the 'okay' to let the chattering people in. In the crowd she saw her father, smiling at her. He walked to the front nodding at the security guard. She opened the door, letting in the people that had their tickets with them, they all took their seats looking up at Daniel he fixed his tie and took a sip of the water that sat on the tables beside him.

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