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Jane was accompanied by Nathan to Headquarters, around a large globe people on their computers typing quickly. Going up the stairs to Dalton's office, he swiped a key card accessing him to a sliding door. The demon sat in a comfy chair twirling a small globe on his desk. Behind him two separate bookshelves going up like columns holding up the building in the center a map of the world taped up the wall, windows on the left gave a clear view of the hard working people downstairs. "Finally awake my queen?"

"What the hell is all of this?"

"This is Defending Earth from Malice and Other Nonsense or D.E.M.O.N."

"And you didn't think of telling me that you work for an international spy organization?"

"It didn't come up in conversation." Jane looked like she was about to strangle Dalton; she took one step forward but was held back Nathan.

"Dalton, sir, I think she's ready." Dalton stood, he looked like a new man with the fitting suit he wore, his eyes no longer black but dark blue.

"Very well Jane come with me."

"Wait." Jane turned to Nathan. "Do you love me?"


"Do you love me?" She waited hesitantly for his answer.

"Yes." He said. She turned to Dalton.

"You hear that Dalton, you said by the time I'm twenty-two and I find love you'll let me see my sister." Dalton rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He pressed the phone, a long beep on the other side of the glass was heard through the loudspeaker. "Could Mercury Carlson please come up to my office." A click at the door made Jane gasp as a thin brown haired girl walked in. Black attire covered her small body, her face a splitting image of Joselin. Now a young woman—sixteen—looked at Jane.

"Jane? As in my sister Jane Carlson?" Mercury ran towards her sister hugging her as tightly as humanly possible.

"Mercury you look so beautiful." Jane cried out.

"Enough of your love, it disgusts me." Dalton said, the girls stopped hugging each other. "Now come before I change my mind about this."

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