His Smile

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"He looked at you again." Jane turned around in her chair.

"He never looks at me I promise."

"Girl if you say that on more time I don't know what I will do." Jane laughed at her co-worker Jeremy. Laughter erupted from down the hall. "Speaking of the devil." Jeremy said turning around in his chair, Jane rolled her eyes looking back at the computer. Down the hallway came the infamous Nathan Bentz, his black hair rolled perfectly down his head, and his hazel eyes striking in every way possible. His white dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves exposed a snake tattoo going all the way up his bicep and sneaking up to his neck, a black tie tied perfectly around his neck and rosy red lips thin but full, and his smile, oh his smile. It could make any girl fall to her knees in anticipation of what was coming next. As he passed Jane's cubical he winked at her, sending her mind into a frenzy or thoughts nobody should have at the work place. Jeremy came rolling back to her office smirking.

"Shut up Jeremy, he probably had something in his eye."

"Yeah, lust." Jane rolled her eyes once more before turning back to writing down the profit margin for the company.

"Don't you have work to do?"

"I'm on break." He told her, taking a bite from the granola bar he was eating.

"Just sh—" Her phone started ringing, the orange light flashing, Jane picked it up answering to the familiar voice on the other end. "Hello?"

"Jane, Ms. Martin would like to see you in her office immediately." Before she could answer her boss's secretary hung up the phone. Jane stood up smoothing out her sundress, fixing her glasses, then she made her way down to the boss's office.


Knocking on the door after getting the 'okay' from one of the other secretary Ms. Martin let her in. To her surprise Nathan was also in there his legs crossed in front of him and arms behind the chairs. Jane sat down beside him, feeling his eyes on her he turned to Ms. Martin.

"Thank you for coming down, both of you, I have a preposition for you both." She took out papers from her drawers. "The banquet tonight is inviting very 'big' men in business, rich men, here are the paper's that have the requirements for making sure that the banquet goes as planned." Jane and Nathan both took the papers looking through them, Nathan looked up at Ms. Martin.

"So we have to set up everything in the banquet?"

"Yes, you and Jane will have a three hours to complete it all." Jane looked at Nathan for the first time today, seeing his hazel eyes and his features up close, his jaw line perfect, his eyes met hers making her face glow red, she quickly looked away, looking back at her boss, who was looking at her computer, seeming annoyed by their presence. "Go on, we are done here." They both stood, Nathan held open the door for her letting her pass, he smiled at her.

"So your place or mine?"


"Where are we meeting?"

"We can do it at my place."

"Oh, we will do it at you place." He smirked then walked away, looking back at her one last time before turning the corner, walking into his cubical. He leaned back in his chair smirking at the thoughts of Jane running through his mind.

The work day was over, Nathan walked over to Jane's office seeing her smile was enough for him to feel happy, the way her eyes scrunched up and she threw her head back, holding her stomach. Her flowing brown hair going around her black rimmed glasses, lips as red as cherries and he eyes, her perfect blue eyes glistened every time she spoke of something she was passionate about. Her good-girl demeanor made Nathan smile every time he saw her. He knew he would try to make an attempt to get closer to her, today at the banquet. He wondered how she would look tonight, if her hair would be up or down, he slightly hoped it would be down, since it framed her delicate face so well. Taking his car keys he walked down to the elevator, pressing the 'P' button the doors began closing. A smooth voice yelled down the hallway.

"Hold the door!" His hand shot out in front of him and between the gap of the closing door, pushing it open Jane ran in her dress flowing around her slim legs and tightened around her small upper body. "Thank you Nathan." He smiled and let the doors closed, he turned to her and smiled.

"So the banquet tonight, it's going to be big." She nodded, playing with the ends of her hair, nervous to talk to him.

"I suppose; my father is quite proud with his accomplishments in this company we have had such a difficult time with my mother leaving and my sister pass—oh look at me telling you all my problems, you probably don't even care." He shook his head.

"I care so much about you, don't ever forget that." She blushed slightly at his comment. The elevator 'dinged' and the doors slid open, they both climbed off walking outside the building the sun shone brightly, Jane squinted her eyes and placed her coat above her head, making shade over her eyes parting ways, she unlocked her car and placed the key, the car started but turned off again.

"Shit. Out of gas." She stepped out of her car, and waved for a taxi, but a silver Nissan, black rims, and glowing lights pulled up to the curb, the window rolled down and tilted on to the passenger seat was Nathan.

"What's wrong?"

"My car's out of gas."

"Hop on in."

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