Back to Barcelona

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"Welcome back my beautiful daughter!" Exclaimed Joselin, wrapping her arms around her daughter. "Hello Daniel." He gave her a kiss on the cheek before looking up to see Roger drinking a glass of cognac, swirling it around in the glass. He walked down the spiral stair case coming to greet the visitors.

"Bienvenidos Jane and Daniel." Exclaimed Roger grabbing their bags, they made their way through the large mansion, after entering the living room Jane took a few moments to look around the house dark wood covered pillars held up the balcony outside, bright and clean white doors lead to the inside where a beautiful kitchen stood making the house seem more modern, and a black granite counter stood in the middle.

"So Jane." Joselin started. "How is my beautiful daughter?" She took a sip from her coffee cup looking at Jane.

"I'm good mom." Joselin looked at Jane, childish laughs and screams broke the silence in the living room. Two boys around nine years old came running in, holding toy airplanes in their hands flying them around as they ran, behind them appeared a very handsome, very exhausted man.

"Boys get back here!" He yelled, as he ran through the living room chasing the boys. "Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Natrass but these boys are just crazy." Roger laughed at the boys and had the come sit in the living room with them.

"Daniel, Jane these are our boys, Reyton and Jonathan." The boy's hair matched their fathers, brown and curly and their eyes matched Joselin's. Roger looked up at the exhausted man. "And this is our caregiver William." The caregiver looked at Jane, his piercing blue eyes contrasted well with his pale skin and dark brown hair.

"Hello." He shook Daniel's hand then leaned down and kissed Janes hand.

"Excuse his accent." Roger said. "We adopted him off the streets when we went to England last fall, he was just sitting there, beside a dumpster counting his coins." William seemed embarrassed by the story, he grabbed hold of both of the boys hands and walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. Jane took her coffee cup and went to the kitchen.

"Hello dear, could I get you more coffee." Jane looked down at the empty cup.

"That's alright." She set it down on the counter looking at the two boys playing on the floor.

"Boys go play outside." They both stood up quickly and ran outside.

"England is a beautiful place."

"I wish I could go back to my family." William began washing dishes.

"Let me help you." Jane said picking up the sponge scrubbing the planes.

"No—no—no I wouldn't want you to get your perfect hands all dirty and gross." He said taking away her cleaning supplies.

"Please I'm not some spoiled rich girl that can't do anything." Will shrugged and handed her the sponge again. She washed and he dried, placing the plates in a pile, she picked them up opening the cabinet, she went on her tip-toes trying to put them on the shelf, suddenly a pair of strong hands wrapped around her waist, which took her back to thinking of Nathan, how he had held her that night for one last time. She looked to her left to see Will smirking at her. He took the plates putting them on the top shelf.

"Thanks for your help sweetheart." She blushed and walked back to the living room. Joselin looked at her, getting up from the white couch walking towards her.

"Come Jane, I have something to show you." Joselin lead her upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms, a large window opened up to a beautiful ocean view. "The party tonight is for you."

"Yes thank you." Jane said hugging her mother, it had been so long since she had affection from her mother, a warm embrace that could have lasted for hours. Joselin kissed the top of her head and turned around looking at the closet. Inside the dark area a single red dress hung, under it tall black high heels.

"This is for you, Roger and I bought it in Paris a year ago." Jane took it from her mother's hands and lay it down on the bed.

"It's beautiful; thank you mother." Jane hugged Joselin again.

"I'm sorry Jane, for leaving but I was very unhappy."

"I'm alright mother, Dad is in great shape and he has taken care of me very well for the past few years." Joselin smiled.

"Good, I'm happy you think so, now try on the dress and get ready for your party it's in a few hours." Joselin left the room, where Jane sat down on the floral covers feeling the smooth material of the dress.

"Are you alright?" The deep voice startled her, she looked up Will looked at her smiling.

"Yes just gaining the courage to try on the dress."

"But the party is going to be fun." Jane shrugged.

"I've been to way too many fancy parties for this one to be fun." Will smiled bigger.

"Well you'd be surprised." He walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

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