The Way They Said It

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The sun shone brightly in the morning, creating a beautiful design on the walls of the bedroom. She searched her bedside table for her glasses, remembering she had left them in her mother's room. Stepping quietly inside her mother's large bedroom, Roger slept by her side snoring loudly. She went to the desk and picked up her glasses putting them on. Her vision became clearer, she looked around blinking twice before turning to leave the room, but something on the desk made her trace her eyes over to it. A file on the desk, wide open, a black and white picture of her father at the corner and information around it. She picked it up and looked through the few pages behind the first on. A shuffle in the bed startled her, she put down the file and ran out of the bedroom.

Jane took a few moments to change into a bathing suit, she walked over to the pool, dipping her legs into the warm water, stepping through the pool she got to the edge overlooking the beautiful beach, on her left the city bloomed with life, she looked at the market seeing the colorful fruits; one man caught her eye wearing a black suit and black sunglasses. She blinked and he was gone, suddenly she was pulled underwater flailing her legs and arms struggling to be free from the mysterious restrictions, her breath slowly left her lungs, she stopped panicking and concentrated. "Dalton said I have powers." She thought of the pains she had held in for all these years, she was let free, resurfacing gasping for air. Her captors were on the side, groaning in pain, she looked around for more people, climbing out of the pool she ran inside looking around for more people that could cause her harm.

"Dad? Are you here?" She called out into the empty house.

"They're not here sweetheart." Jane jumped from her chair and turned around. Her mother stood in the corner, leaned against the wall, a black business suit made her look professional.

"Mom." She hugged her tightly, Joselin handed Jane a towel and a pair of shorts, which she put on after drying herself. "Where are the others?"

"They're somewhere else, somewhere safe."


"Unimportant." Joselin grabbed her daughters hand leading her out of the house. An ominous looking car was parked in front of the house.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Irrelevant information." Joselin's grip tightened on Janes wrist as she pulled her towards the car.

"Where is my father?" Her question remained unanswered, she struggled to get free from her mother's tight grip. "Where is my father?!" Jane yelled out kicking her foot up into her mother's rib, Joselin fell in pain letting go of Janes wrist. She looked down at what she had done, she began to run, she did not know where she was going, but she ran. She ran as fast as her thin legs could, the car began following her, driving at a slow pace. Going down the street into the market she ducked from left to right through the intertwining streets. The car kept driving towards her, two large men jumped out of the back and ran after her. They both had guns in their belts ready to pull out, she ran through the market trying to find a place to hide from the large men. They quickly became lost in the crowd of consumers, Jane took a sharp right turn into an alleyway, running quickly, her body was suddenly pulled up off the ground by large hands. She looked back at her captor, his pale rugged face would have given anyone nightmares for days on end.

She flailed her arms around, using her elbows against his muscular chest, she kicked her foot backwards right into his groin, he let her go. The two other men appeared from the corner, their guns in the air, the spoke in an undetectable language. The one on the left charged at Jane, she quickly kicked her foot into his gut pushing him back, taking his gun from his hands pointing it at his partner, her finger heavy on the trigger she shook, frightened by the events past. She dropped the gun, running past the fearsome man, punching him in the face in the process. A helicopter buzzed above. Had her mother sent it? If she could call her mother anymore, she was like a stranger, a stranger she did not want to meet again. A person in black attire suddenly jumped out of the airborne helicopter, opening their parachute, they moved down slowly, landing on the roof above Jane. Their face was covered by sunglasses and a black scarf, a ladder was thrown down from the helicopter, landing beside the person. They then jumped down onto the gravel beside Jane.

"Are you ready?" They asked their voice low and enigmatic, Jane felt confused. They did not wait for her answer, they just grabbed her by the waist, they picked made sure that she was secure before the person began scaling the building once more. From around the corner appeared the two men that had been chasing Jane.

"Sir, Ma'am whoever you are I think that we should hurry." She kept an eye on the two men quickly rushing towards them, their guns fully loaded and ready to shoot them. Going up over the ledge of the building, they let Jane go, climbing up the ladder.

"Let's go babe, we wouldn't want you to get hurt." The way they said babe sounded so familiar, but she ignored the feeling she had tugging on her brain. She carefully climbed up the rope ladder that swayed around as the helicopter moved with the wind currents. A gunshot was heard and then the bullet came whizzing past her head, she ducked down keeping her pace with the person in front of her, another gunshot the bullet whizzed towards Jane, a sharp pain broke out around her lower back penetrating all the way to her abdomen. Finally reaching the top she was pulled up by two pairs of strong arms she looked up, familiar hazel eyes looked at her, she smiled lunging herself forward at Nathan who hugged her tightly. Behind Jane sat an unfamiliar person, his black hair and dark brown eyes made him look tired but young.

"Hello." His accent was rich and easy to understand.

"This is Ricardo from our unit here in Spain, he is our new recruit." He held out a hand for Jane to shake, she took it firmly shaking it, trying her best not to show the pain she was in. Nathan looked at her. "Jane are you alright?" She nodded trying her best to smile. He looked down, blood seeping from her bathing suit expanding in all directions. "Move out!" Yelled Nathan, the helicopter then flew away through the sunny afternoon skies of Barcelona.

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