The Demon

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After driving home, she changed out of the uncomfortable shoes and into her pajamas, laying her head down on the soft pillow, pulling the covers over her cold body she closed her eyes taking a breath trying to relax her mind. "What is wrong with you?" Jane sat up in her bed, looking around the dark room.

"Hello?" A whoosh of air moved her loose hair back.

"Hello princess how is your kingdom?' In front of her the demon that had visited her six years ago, she jumped back her heart racing.

"What...why... who..."

"Ugh, still stuttering I see." The demon rolled his dead eyes, "anyway back to my original question." He sat down at the end of the bed. "What is wrong with you?" She unwrapped herself from the covers.

"What do you mean?"

"That mortal Nathan Bentz." Jane blushed at the sound if his name. "You killed his soul a bit tonight."

"Killed him? Ha! He's fine he just—he just left. He walked away."

"You let him go."

"My father is in the hospital because of him, and you're blaming this on me?! He walked away from me he told me he was tired of hurting people he cared about, he doesn't want me and at this rate I will never see my sister again." The demon seemed to have a sparkle in his eye.

"Ugh too many feelings, go look for him."

"But I don't know where he lives."

"Darling you are the ruler of Hell; don't you think you have some powers?" She shrugged and looked him. "You have learned nothing from being Hell's queen, just follow the direction of the whispers, the usually lead you to what you want most." She shook her head.

"What makes you think I want to see him again?"

"I can read minds my dear child." He touched her chin slyly.

"Why do you want me to find him?"

"Like I said... too many feelings." Then he was gone, a note whirled around in the wind he had left behind. She picked it up and unfolded it, on it a list, a list of things to do.

Nathan sat at his desk, moving his fingers through his hair, his body shaking as he sobbed. He took a sip from the bottle beside him wiping away a tear rushing down his face. "Drinking isn't going to get you anywhere my dear boy." Nathan stood up suddenly pointing the knife from his pocket into the dark.

"Who are you?!" A breath behind hi chilled down his spine.

"I'm whoever you want me to be." He turned around suddenly, aiming the knife at the neck of the unwanted visitor.

"What do you want?"

"It's more like what do you want?" The demon said slyly.

"Huh?" Nathan looked confused putting down the knife on the table.

"Ugh mortals are so ignorant." The demon began to pace the small apartment space, then sat on the couch like he was an old friend coming back from a long trip. Nathan watched him intently. "What's taking so long with the snacks? I might be dead, but this demon is hungry!" Nathan scurried to the kitchen, opening the small fridge.

"What do demons even eat?" He asked himself, he grabbed a box of left over pizza from the bottom shelf taking it out to his new found 'friend'. He put it down on the tables, the demon dug right in devouring it in less than a minute, Nathan chuckled, as he thought of Jane how she had done the same things. " what are you?" The demon licked his fingers, sucking off the grease.

"I am ruler of—wait no that's someone else, you can call me Dalton Ruler of...whatever."

" are you here for?"

"Well first you know one of my dear, close friends."

"Ugh who?" Nathan thought,

"She wasn't so ugh when you were thinking of her now was she?" Nathan looked confused again. "Jane! Jane Carlson!" He shook his head.

"Why do you out of all people know someone so beautiful like her?"

"She is my Queen."

"Queen? Queen of what?"

"Hell." Dalton said nonchalantly, picking at his nails.

"Hell? As in the place down under with the fire and the death?"

"No—the place where everyone is happy and surrounded by flowers and singing happy songs about nature—of course hell the place of fire!" The demon swiped his hand, a book appeared above Nathan's head smacking him in the face.


"That was for asking stupid questions."

"I'm afraid to ask but why are you here?" He closed his eyes awaiting a book to slam into his face but it didn't come, he opened his eyes and looked at Dalton.

"I want to make a deal."

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