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The drive to the mansion was long and quiet, he kept his eyes on the road at all times gripping the steering wheel tightly as he made light movements at the indents in the road. He pulled up to the gated neighborhood, Jane moved over his lap placing her hand on the car door talking to the guard at the gate. He bit his lip slightly at the thought of her on top of him, he thought of what they would do if they were alone. She sat back down in her seat as the gate opened, Nathan pressed on the gas petal, driving into the unknown neighborhood. He drove through the intertwining paths up to her mansion, passing large estates seeing their large front yards, overflowing with modern art, and large trees growing around the home. The entrance to her mansion was a curving path with millions of trees overgrowing onto the road.

He looked over at her, as she slowly closed her eyes to the sound of the roaring engine. Nathan coughed slightly making her open her eyes. "Are you excited for the banquet tonight?" She nodded then frowned. "What seems to be the matter beautiful?"

She blushed at the word beautiful, nobody had ever called her beautiful, except for that one boy in kindergarten. But he didn't know what it meant, nobody did until they actually saw something so indescribably beautiful, something that would take their breath away, something that would stay in their mind for the longest time, even after their age had created a block for their beauty to shine through but it was still there. Nobody had ever been so genuine with her, so gentle, so caring. Could he be the one that could have her escape from this curse, this curse that had been such a burden her whole life, the curse that had ruined her life.

"Yes I'm fine, I was just thinking of all the rich, young entrepreneurs that would do anything to gain a job interview with my father, including giving me false expectations of what love is supposed to feel like, how it's supposed to be like." Nathan placed his hand on her knee smiling at her. "But it's alright I'm used to being hurt by my own stupidity." Nathan shook his head.

"You are the smartest most amazing person and girl I have ever met, never say those things about yourself, you're too special to someone to feel like this."

"But who?! I'm almost twenty years old. Who? Who would want to be with me? Most of my friends are already married, and then there is me who can't even get a man to look at her." She snapped. "Who would want someone like me in their lives?" He rubbed her thigh up and down, comforting her, easing her nerves.

"Someone." He said softly, she shook her head as they pulled up to the driveway of the mansion, a round-about with a streaming fountain in the middle gave the home an antique feel. More trees around the house gave the place mild shade, a swing-set under one of the trees made it seem like a young child lived here. "Who is that swing-set for?" Nathan asked.

"My sister passed away a couple of years ago, that was her favorite spot, where she would to pick flowers and such."

"I'm so sorry." Jane shrugged.

"It's alright, we have that place to remember her." Entering the drive way, he parked at the base of the of the long stairs leading to the heavy wooden door of the white modern house. She opened the passenger seat door hopping out, she looked back at Nathan. "Would you like to come in?" He nodded immediately, Jane smiled and waited for him at the top of the stairs nervously unlocking the door, she opened it and the smell of cinnamon and lavender flooded out, Nathan smiled as he stepped onto the white marble floor, his footsteps echoed through the large open foyer. Spiral stairs disappeared into the upstairs, they entered the kitchen, Jane set her bag down on the black leather couch in the living room.

"Lovely home." He said finally.

"Thank you—would you like anything to eat, drink?"

"You." Nathan said under his breath, seeing Jane sticking her head in the refrigerator.

"What?" She yelled from inside the cold compartment.

"Water." She pulled out two bottles of water and a box of pizza.

"You don't mind if I eat this right?" She opened the box before he could respond and began eating the cheese pizza, Nathan had never thought such a small girl could eat a whole pizza in such little time. She took a sip of her water and smiled at him. "You didn't want any right?" He just laughed, then took out the papers Miss. Martin had given them.

"What do we have to do for this banquet?" He asked looking through the list of things they had to do.
"Who knows."

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