Make A Wish

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Jane took a breath before gripping her jacket placing it on her shoulders. Her hand shook as she reached for her phone. "Maybe I could give him a call." She nervously lifted her cellular to her ear after pressing his contact. It rung four times before his voice mail message began playing.

"Hey this is Nathan thanks for calling but I'm probably out with my friends or whatever, I'll call you back as soon as possible, you know what to do." Jane chuckled at his childish message, she placed her hand on the doorknob, looking at the time

"11:11 make a wish." She chuckled, a knock on the door startled her, had her wish come true? She stood on her tip-toes to look through the peep hole. Leaning on the door frame looking down, his hair looked messier than before, he wore a black leather jacket on top of a plain white V-neck, she opened the door, his head rose, his eyes tired and bloodshot. "Hey." He chewed on his bottom lip looking at Jane.

"Fuck you're sexy." He growled running inside her home, her body lifted from the floor, he put her down and pinned her body to the wall, his hazel eyes now tinted with gold roamed her body. Nathan kissed her, kissed her until they were both out of breath, kissed her until the only thing she could taste was him. He traced her arm as he kissed her once more. Sitting beside her he sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

"No it is not!" He put his head down on his knees whispering 'I'm sorry' over and over. She put her hand on his back.

"You don't have to leave." He sat up and gripped her shoulders.

"Don't you understand! I need to leave so I don't hurt you any longer, I can't be with you don't you get it? I just can't it's too dangerous..."

"Too dangerous? You're talking to the ruler of... never mind."


"How the hell do you know about that?"

"Dalton, your friend."

"Ugh if he would just keep his stupid mouth shut." She looked at Nathan. "Don't even look at me." She said covering her face walking to the other couch in front of them. "If you want to leave do it now."

"I don't want to leave."

"Then why do you speak of it?" She yelled at him. "Why do you tell me that you have to leave because it's too 'dangerous' you don't know danger! You don't know me, you...don'" He stood and sat down beside her, pulling her onto his lap, cuddling her into his chest, the smell of jasmine intoxicated her senses, his heart beat rapidly she felt safe with him, more safe than she had ever felt.

"I do know you, you're beautiful, smart, caring."

"That's only what you see, not what is inside, I am a monster everyone fears, I have a curse a curse only broken"

"No, you're not a monster, never say that about yourself ever again." She looked up at him, putting her hand on his heaving chest, she put her legs on either side of his thighs, kissing him, this time rougher more confident, their breath moved in sync now—their tongues battled each other for dominance until one won, exploring the loser's mouth, he moved her closer to him, gripping the underside of her thighs, her heart beat more rapidly than his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling back biting his lip, taking this opportunity to take off his jacket she threw it behind them, he then took off her shirt tossing it to the side. He flipped her on her back hovering over her small body.

Pulling at the hem of his white shirt he took it off, he kissed her neck, enjoying the feeling he gave her. A breathy moan emitted from her lips, he reached behind her back removing the lacy black material from her chest. She sat up nipping at his neck, hearing him moan out. '' He pushed her down back to the couch smirking as she withered under his touch.

"We haven't even gotten to the best part yet." He kissed her once more, trailing his hand down her stomach and then the edge of her jeans, hearing her breath hitch at the sudden contact. She bit her lip, and in that moment Nathan knew that this was going to be an enjoyable, passionate, sleepless night.

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