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Arriving at the office about three hours late, after visiting her father in the hospital she sat at her desk, typing on her computer never loosing focus of what was in front of her. Jeremy rolled up beside her. "Why so glum my beautiful bestie?"

"I hooked up with him last night."

"That's why you're sad? Was he really that bad?" Jane shook her head.

"No the sex was great, he just left."


"Shush—" She covered his mouth with her.

"What did he say?" Jeremy asked in a low whisper.

"He said that we were in danger, then he started acting like a psychopath, shaking me then he stole my car keys, kissed me and then he left driving away."

"What a guy!" Jeremy sighed. "I have a theory."

"What is it?"

"Maybe he only likes one night stands." Jane couldn't bear to think that she was just a person's quick sex partner for a night, then them leaving like she was a dirty dish towel, used and then forgotten.

"I'm so stupid."

"You know what you should do...call him."

"Are you insane he just left me and I'm here trying to crawl back to him pleading on my knees?"

"You love him."

"No...yes...I don't know it's so hard to decide." She returned to work, clicking away at the keys on her computer. Footsteps were heard down the hallway which made Jeremy turn his head, down walked Nathan, stumbling slightly holding onto the walls as he walked down the hallway, his jacket singed, smoke still coming from the holes, his lip bled slightly as did his cheek which had a giant gash across it. Jane tried to meet eyes with him but he just looked away. He sat down at his desk putting his head down on the cold surface.

Jane stared at him for the longest time before working up the courage to walk up to him. She tapped him on the shoulder he looked up seeing her made pain erupt in his chest. "Are you alright?" Jane asked him.

"Yes fine, just trying to save you and your family you know the usual thing." She looked at him confused by his words. "But you know that is my job." A tear threatened to leave her eye, she took a breath before rushing to the bathroom, she opened the door quickly slamming shut behind her. She looked down to the sink wiping her eyes from oncoming tears. A knock on the bathroom door made her look up at the mirror. "Go away please."

"Can I come in?"

"Leave me alone like you said you would." Jane yelled at the door.

"Please just let me in." Twisting the lock, she swung the door open. "Thanks." He stepped inside looking at her. "Can we talk about this." Jane just frowned looking down at the floor. "Don't be like this, please don't be mad."

"Why not? Why shouldn't I be mad at the person that left me so randomly so suddenly, am I just a one-night stand to you?"

"Hell no, you are so much more but we can't be, it's too dangerous to be together." She pushed him back.

"Good bye Nathan, I hope you have a great life." She walked out of the bathroom leaving behind everything she cared about.

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