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She looked at the mirror one last time before leaving her room, walking down the stairs her short black sun dress swirling around her small body. Walking into the large kitchen she sat down at the table putting her hand on the book she had been reading last night, she smiled slightly at the events of the books. Her father walked into the kitchen, his tie tight around his neck, hanging down his flat stomach, his face freshly shaved, and his dark grey hair popping as he put on the navy blue jacket on the kitchen chair. "Good morning Jane." He hugged he and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning father." He smiled at her. His phone began ringing, pulling it up to his ear.

"David Carlson here." He paced around the room nodding, with a 'yes' here and there. "Alright bye." He looked at Jane once again, smiling. "Remember there is a banquet tonight, there will be a limo here around seven-thirty so be ready by then." Jane nodded and looked at her wrist where her watch ticked.

"You're going to be late for work."

He nodded took his brief case and ran out the door. Jane smiled and stood up from the table, going upstairs she looked through her closet to find a dress for the banquet tonight. She picked out one of her mother's dresses, the one she had left specifically for her when she had left her father for a richer man, Jane would still visit her when her and her father would go to Barcelona in the summer, but for the time being her mother's possessions were the only thing that reminded her of the strong woman that was her mother. She took a dress out of the closet laying it down on the bed. The sleeveless dress faded from black to dark grey to light grey at the bottom and its length would cover most of Jane's leg. She smiled at her choice and took a breath, falling down on the bed, thinking of tonight's events. She got up taking her car keys from her bag she made her way to her job as the secretary at her father's workplace.

The drive through downtown Los Angles was short but slow, with the foot-traffic and the slow moving vehicles, at this rate Jane would make it to work by five o'clock. Finally speeding up on the highway, she merged into a lane going into the city where large office buildings sprouted out of the ground like mushroom, men and women both dressed in business attire, mostly black, walked around rushing to their work places. Jane parked her car on the side of her father's large office building, the glass all the way up to the seventy-fifth floor made the building look reflective, but black. She stepped out of her car and made her way up the stairs to the inside of the fancy building. Modern art around it and black leather couches filled up the waiting area. Jane made her way to the elevator, going up to the seventy-third floor.

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