| Sugawara Koushi | One Day

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Fluff :3 and small angst? No?

{Published on} July 30th, 2016

{Word count} 1915

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"Suga?" a h/c haired girl peek in the doorway of the gym.

"Oh L/n, good afternoon." Koushi chirps right away, noticing the sound of his girlfriends voice.


"Sugawara's girlfrienddd~"

"Suga mama actually got a mama!"

His volleyball mates continued to holler, teasing the silver gray-ish haired setter. The last comment made the Karasuno team break into a laughing frenzy.

"Stop it guys," Sugawara says, almost blushing but gives a small laugh with them, he began to jog towards you.

Most of the team began to whistle at him, secretly cheering him on.

Abruptly, Suga literally froze in the middle of his jogging, turning only his head to look at them without moving his body. Immediately the whole team turn their backs from him, pretending they were innocent with imaginary halos over their heads.

Suga laughed again, resuming and meeting you at the door.

"Hi L/n, what's up?" he gave you his famous angelic smile.

"Oh nothing," you gave a small giggle then looking up at him. "I'm sorry if I was bothering, we're you still practicing?" you ask.

"Oh no, we're done for today." He explains, "wait for me to change so I can walk you home."

You nodded excitedly while the you both walked together to the volleyball clubroom. Sugawara went ahead in the room to change as you stood beside the door, waiting.

'He's taking awhile...' You thought, looking at your watch. It was nearly fifteen minutes then a thought struck you. 'What if something bad happened to him?!'

Renewed with fear you swung the door open with force, as you began to yell his first name.

"Koushi?! Koushi! Kou-..."

There standing in the room, was Suga who was shirtless...

"Ko-u... shi?..." You say before silently and awkwardly closing the door. You could feel your cheeks burst cherry red, blood dripping down from your nose.

By the time Suga was done changing he exited out the room, finding you with your head against the wall as a gloominess/embarrassed aura surrounded you.

"What's wrong?" Sugawara nudges you, as you began to slump down even more while your forehead was stuck on the concrete wall.

"T-t-that was embarrassing..." You mumble. Koushi's grey eyes saw that your cheeks were a shade of pink and there was a trail of dry smeared blood below your nose.

"Why were you yelling my name? And bursting the door?" he asks, giving a small laugh, trying to lighten up the mood.

"You took a very long time changing for a guy. So I got worried and thought the worst possibility ever." You mumble lowly, too ashame.

"Oh I'm sorry F/n," he says gently, casually slipping his hand into yours, guiding you into his arms. "The first-years made the room a mess so I just decided to clean it up, I'm sorry I took so long." Koushi whispers into your ear, cradling you gently. "You overthink and can be so clingy," he quickly adds, saying in a jokingly tone.

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