| Ennoshita Chikara | Fall Festival

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Fluff. But tell me guys, how was your day?

{Publish on} November 10th, 2016

{Word count} 1054

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"U-um... h-hello? Ennoshita-kun?" You spoke uncertain into your cell, your hands shaking from typing his number.

"Who's this?" his voice echoes through your phone.

"I-it's L/n," you respond, hoping it wouldn't sound creepy that you called him all of a sudden.

"Oh, hello L/n-kun," you heard him chuckle. "What do you need?"

"You..." You meant to say in your head before catching your mistake. "I-I mean is that do y-you a-and I could hang out?" you stammer, patting yourself on the back for making that clever response. "I was wondering if you wanted to go together to the fall festival."

For a minute, Ennoshita was silent. You heard him clear his throat before talking back to you.

"Y-yea! I would really like that."

"That's great! See you until then."

"Bye-bye," he says then ending the call. You have a deep sigh of relief, throwing your body on your bed and dropping the phone beside you.

'I thought my heart was going to explode.'

* * *

You arrived at the festival, currents of people's moving two different directions. The moon was already up and buzzing with people.

"Ennoshita-kun!" You immediately spotted him through the crowd.

"L/n!" he says, waving back to you.

"We're you waiting too long?" you ask.

"No, I just got here." He replies, smiling sweetly. Something was in his hand.

"What's that?" You ask, tilting your head to get a better look. "Did you buy a lantern?"

"N-no, I made it myself." He smiles shyly, giving me a better look.

The lantern was circular, and there was a opening at the bottom. There were also tiny words written on the lantern. "Me and my parents would always make them. But they're always busy, so I do it by myself."

"What do you usually do with it?" you said, feeling curious and compelled to ask him.

"I'll show you," he says, holding his hand out to you. You mentally screamed, hesitantly grabbing his hand. He flashes the cutest smile, maneuvering you through the crowds, and taking you to where you never expected, the woods.

"A-are you sure this is alright?" you said, letting go of his hand just before entering at the edge of the forest.

"You trust me, right?" he says, holding his hand out once again. You nod, holding his hand again, your heart thumping so loudly it was ringing in your ears. Instantly, he looked straight ahead guiding you with one hand, and the other was holding the lantern through the darkness.

"Careful, there's a root." or, "watch your head for that branch." Ennoshita would say once in awhile like he had a map of the whole forest in his mind. Usually he would lead you into an opening with the moonlight showing the way, until the both of you would go into another forest path.

'We're getting pretty far..' you thought, realizing that the two of you were climbing up on a side of a hill with trees.

"Where are we going?" you ask, finally but little of your imagination got out of hand. One hand that wasn't holding hands was cupping your face from your wild daydreaming.

"Trust me," he repeats then breathing out with a smile. "We're here." he says, and we slowly climbed up the trail. A gush of wind blew into your face and we soon reached another opening.

"Wow, we're all the way of here?" you gasp. Chakira had led the two of you on top of a hill, but the hill was beautiful. Simply flowers had grown on the healthy green grass, squirrels were running up and down the tree trunks.

"And we're really close to the festival!" You point, tugging on his sleeve.

"Here's the fun part," he says, holding out the lantern then reaching into his pocket and grabbing out an lighter. Carefully, he held the top and lit the bottom, where there were wires.

"I want you to close your eyes and make a wish before I let go."

You nod, clamping your eyes shut and holding your hands tightly together.

'Please let me be with Chakira!'

You reopen your eyes and slowly Ennoshita let go of the lantern, and it was floating away.

"Did you make a wish?" You ask, watching him nod his head.

"I wished that I didn't have to celebrate the festival alone." He says, holding both of your hands and staring straight into you.

'T-this- this.... IS LIKE A MOVIE!' You thought frantically, nearly swooning with your heart bursting.

"Do you want to be mine?" Ennoshita chokes out, his face red as yours. You shook your head up and down and suddenly blasting echoes were in the air. Colors vibrate with swirls and moving lighting lines.

"Fireworks!" You shout, looking at him.

"I don't remember the festival scheduling fireworks?" he says, placing his hand on his head.

You felt another pair of hands hold yours, turning your body to meet his. You saw as he was leaning slowly to your lips.

"I'm sorry!!" You shout, turning your head away at the last minute. "I'm just a little nervous!" You heard him chuckle, feeling a wet kiss on your cheeks.

"I'm nervous too," he smiles sweetly. "We shout go back, we can follow the lantern."

The both of you set out, following the lantern which often look like a slow-moving shooting star in the distance, climbing higher into the atmosphere.

Once we exit the woods, we were quickly familiarized by someone.

"L-look it's Ennoshita!"

We spot Tanaka in the water, shirtless and dripping wet and Suga was by the lake, scratching the back of his head.

At the corner of your eye, you saw Chakira smile. We joined the two, and slowly one by one, all the members were here. Ennoshita squeeze your hand, smiling as he watch everyone chat with each other.

Then suddenly you remembered that he wished to not celebrate the festival alone.

Ennoshita turn his head to you, smiling again as if he knew what you were thinking. He lean over to you, kissing your cheek lightly then whispering something.

"Thank you for being with me."

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