| Sugawara Koushi | Fall Festival

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Sugamama <3

{Published on} April 12th, 2017

{Word count} 1261

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"Isn't that Sugawara Koushi?" Your friend whispers to you.

Your head perk but you calmed yourself, spotting a familiar Karasuno third-year with silver-greyish hair.

"Why don't you ask him out already?" Your friend says, nudging you with her elbow.

"Usually guys would ask the girl out, plus I'm scared he'll say no," you said, rubbing your hands nervously together.

"Don't be a scaredy-cat," they said, grinning. "Or you're going to be single forever~" they said in their most spookiest voice.

"Do you have someone you're going with," you rolled your eyes at them.

"M-maybe!" They stammer but it was obvious that they were, you just grin, moving your eyebrows up and down.


The voice causes you to flinch, jumping up and seeing those grey hues staring at you nervously.

You could feel your friends eyes burning into you, you stomped your foot light onto theirs, earning a small yelp.

"I was wondering if you're going to go to the fall festival?" he asks, "and if you would want to come with me?"

'He's actually asking me?'

* * *

You were rubbing your hands, waiting patiently in front of the entrance of the festival. The air was perfumed with colorful-dying leaves.

"L/n!" Sugawara says, swinging his arm at you while running. "Did I make you wait?"

You shook your head, holding a smile. "You're right on time!"

He heaved a relieved sigh, placing his hand over his chest. "I was scared that you would leave, let's not waste time then."

The both of you walked into the fair grounds, finding crowds of people squashed up together.

You tensed up, feeling something touch your hand.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that we shouldn't lose each other," Sugawara's voice whispers into your ear.

But even with Suga's comforting voice, you continued to be tense due to your long-time crush holding your hand.

'I think I had a dream like this!' You thought to yourself, looking your your hands intertwine together.

"Oh look L/n," he points, averting your gaze to small, circular kiddy-pool.

People both young and old surrounded the pool, and bright colorful fish were swimming the in pool.

"What's that?" You question, hearing splashes and laughing.

"You never played it before? You're missing out, c'mon!" He takes you to the pool, grabbing a strange item and placing it in your hand.

The item resemble like a tennis-racket, but ten times smaller like a ping-pong paddle. Instead of wires, the space of the small was replaced by almost-translucent paper.

"Come, I'll teach you!" He says, hovering over the pool of shimmering goldfishes. "You're suppose to catch the fish without breaking the paper of the this paddle-thingy," he bluntly explains, then demonstrating.

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