| Tsukishima Kei | Embarrassment pt. 2

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Sooooo, I think this is going to be fluff

{Published on} June 19th, 2017

{Word count} 2349

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Your POV

The sickening heat is gone, the sweat has vanished from thin air. But your mind and chest were still restless, head throbbing from pain and your heart still aching.

Groggily, you lifted your eyelids, staring at a unfamiliar ceiling. With depleted energy, you couldn't even sit up. Using some of your strength, you manage to turn and twist your head to look at your surroundings.

'I'm at a hospital?' you thought, when staring at a familiar face. It was Tsuuki on the chair, his body covered with hid jacket as a blanket. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open that I could hear his heavy breathing.

"What are you doing here?" you ask quietly, but expected no response from the sleeping Kei.

Hearing the door open, you turned your head.

"Ms. L/n, how are you feeling?" a women says, with her hair in a tight ponytail and wear a uniform.

"Still living," you replied monotone.

"We couldn't manage to call any family members," the nurse said. "Is there any one who can take care of you?"

"No," you said.

"What about that young man? Do you know each other?" She asks.

You looked down at your hands, "no. I don't know him, he's just a stranger. I don't know what's his business here," you shook your head, changing the subject. "My family rather busy, it'll be futile to keep calling."

"I see," the nurse frowns, "I can not allow to go home alone, especially with your condition. I recommend staying for a few days before returning home. Excuse me for a few minutes," she says, exiting out the room.

The room was filled with complete silence.

"Well someone's awake now," you said to Tsuuki who opened his eyes. "You didn't have to fake that you were sleeping, just to eavesdrop."

"How'd you know I was fake sleeping?" He asks, stretching.

"We've been together long enough that I know your habits," you say, "but apparently I still don't know who you are."

Tsukishima doesn't reply. "Where's your parents?"

"I can't tell to someone I don't know," you retort back, your expression changing angrily.

"Stop acting like a child," he responds, frowning.

"Who are you?" You repeat his words, adding poison in your tone. "Me? Acting like a child? Do you want to explain to me why you were acting like one before?!"

"I didn't know... I was a disappointment to you," you said, clenching your fists, using all your willpower to block the tears. You refuse to cry in front of this stranger.

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