| Kuroo Tetsurou | Stuck in a Tree

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Fluff <3 in this one-shot you're short XD
Soo, um I lost my iPod. I usually write down requests on my iPod to remember, but since I lost it I'm going to be behind on requests for a bit.

If you guys do have a request, I'll gladly do it as best as I can! If you did request a one-shot, please comment what it is so it'll be easy for me.

{Publish on} April 20th, 2017

{Word count} 1137

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"Oh no.." You said to yourself, hearing a plead of mewing in the tree. You spotted a cat, it's fur was white dotted with orange and black spots. "Poor kitten," you said, looking around.

After seeing that no one trying to help the poor cat, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You dropped your school bag on the ground then rolling up your sleeves.

You began to climb upon the tree, digging toes into the tree softly and pulling yourself up by the branches. You breath deeply then exhaling, climbing higher until you finally reached the level where the cat was.

"Come here kitty kitty," you said softly, sitting on the branch and holding onto another for support. "Come here~" you sang, reaching out one hand for it.

The cat licked your fingers then purring its head against your hand.

"Awe you're so cute!" You compliment, smiling widely until you began to realize...

"I'm stuck..."

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"Kuroo, I'm going to go home," Kenma mumbles, his amber eyes glued to to his video game.

"Alright then, see you later," Kuroo says, "pay attention or you're going to get run over."

"Uh huh," Kenma hums, still sucked into the gaming world.

Kuroo chuckles lowly before separating from the little pudding head. Walking alone, he entered a park which was a short cut to his house.


Kuroo blinked once, then twice, cleaning his ear to make sure he wasn't hearing anything.



A little meowing was audible as well, syncing with the small cries of help.

Lifting his head, he spot a cat, and behind the car was a h/c girl.

"Help!" The girl cried out, hugging the branch she was on and her eyes closed shut.

'What is she doing up there?' He thought, compelled to ask you.

"Oi, what are you doing up there?!" he shouts, tilting his head and swaying his black hair.

"Oh a person! Can you help me down here?!"

"But why are you in a tree?!" he calls back to you again.

"To help the cat! It was stuck in the tree, and I was trying to help it but I don't know how to get down.."

The cat purred against the you then jumping off with ease and rubbed itself against his leg.

"Doesn't look like it needed help," Kuroo couldn't help but grin and chuckle. "Hey kid-"

"I-I'm not a kid!! I'm a third-year!" you say but instead all Kuroo could hear was a voice of a cute kid.

"Sure," he slurs his words.

"I a-am! I'll prove it! Help me down and I'll show you my school ID," you says, still clinging on the branch.

"Fine fine, just let go, I'll catch you."

"N-no!" You protest.

"Why not?" he says in confusion, "didn't you want to come down?"

"I'm too heavy for you to carry me!"

He lifted a brow, you were shorter than he was. "I'm pretty sure I can carry you."

"A-are you sure?"

"Positive, don't worry I'm strong," he reassured and placing a hand on his biceps. "Don't worry, I'll catch you."

You nod, gripping the branch so that you're feet was hanging in the air. Taking a deep breath, you let go and fell into the strangers arms.

"See?" his voice cooed into your ear.

"O-okay, you can let me down!

"You know, you're really small..." he says, turning you and still holding you with his hands under your arms. Your feet was dangling still in the air and you felt like baby being lifted.

"Hey!" You said, squirming. "I'm a third-year!" you stated, fumbling out your school ID and flipping your picture to him.

"Oh, I guess you are?" he sounded surprise, his face coming closer to your face at a uncomfortable closeness. "Now that I have a closer look, you look mature," his hair swaying and falling to cover one eye.

"O-of course I am!" You held his face in your hands and squishing his cheeks together. "I'm not short! You're just tall, I'm just a little below average..."

"I guess I'm pretty tall?" he sets you down and puts a hand on his head. You had to crank your neck to stay up at him, your height was around the strangers chest.

"I maybe below average but you're over average!" You point out, and crossing your arms.

"Aren't you a ball of feisty-ness? You're like a wild cat," he grins.

You puff up your chest, "what's wrong with being a little wild? You're like a lazy house cat,"

"Oh-ho-ho? The wild cat needs some manners," he says, bopping your nose which made you frown at him. He chuckles at your response, patting your head. "But for a feral kitten, you're cute," he grins.

The blush on your face spread faster than a blink of an eye. You turned your back to him, crossing your arms and your chin held high. "Hmph!"

"Oh-ho-ho, no feisty comebacks? Have I already tamed you?" he smiles, walking in front of you and patting your head again.

You shook your head so viciously that your hair became disheveled.

"I'm not going to be tamed so easily," you blew your hair out of your face but it still misbehaved, remaining off course upon your head.

"What happens if I ask you on a date? Will you say yes and be tamed by me?"

The blush on your cheek thickens to a dark red, that's now clearly visible to him.

"Does that mean a yes, my wild cat?" he gently fixes your hair, and lifts your chin to look at him.

"I'll say yes," you swat his hand away, "but I don't even know you're name."

"My mistake, my name is Tetsurou Kuroo, the house cat," he bows like a gentleman but in a joking manner.

Chuckling, you decided to play along. "My name is L/n F/n, the wild one," you grin and crossing your arms.

"Well, are you going to say yes, L/n?" he tilts his head.

"What do I benefit if I do go on this date with you?"

"One, me," he points to himself, "and two, if you ever get stuck in a tree again, I'll come and save you," he winks.


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