Before You Read

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Anna McCall was the perfect child in her mother's eyes. Compared to her older brother, Scott, she was an angel. Perfect grades, never getting in trouble, and most of all, never got involved in the supernatural. She knew nothing about how her brother is a True Alpha or his almost-girlfriend being a fox spirit, a kitsune. To Melissa, Anna just took everything in stride and kept being Anna.

Anna, however, was falling apart. From the moment the recently deceased Allison Argent came to town, her brother had ignored her. And after almost one year, she still receives the same treatment. Scott and his friends would go out, stay with each other for hours while Anna was stuck at home.

She never fully forgave her brother for his ignorance until the death of Allison, his first love. She became lenient with him, knowing Scott was grieving. But after two months, she had had enough.

It's halfway through Anna's freshman year at Beacon Hills High School when she meets Liam Dunbar, a lacrosse protege. Lets see how Scott reacts to the pair and how everything changes when Anna McCall meets Liam Dunbar.

I do not own Teen Wolf or it's characters, those being to Jeff Davis.

[Season 4]

HELLO ALL! So I have been struggling with this idea for a long time and finally decide to just post it. I will not do much on any story until the end of my finals but good news: THIS IS MY FINALS WEEK SO NEXT WEEK I'M FREE!!!

I promise I will not write more than five chapters until I finish The Hunter McCall. Then I can stop feeling guilty for totally forgetting to write (I'M SO SORRY GUYS!!!).

I hope you like the idea! I have most of it planned, and this series will go until after 5b, but probably stopping there.

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