Chapter 11: I Love You, Scotty

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"I can't believe I did it." Liam sighs as Braeden parks in front of the abandoned church. Anna climbs in back and feigns offense.

"Excuse me?" She asks, raising her eyebrows. "It takes two to kiss."

"I-I, um, I mean..." Liam starts to stutter, not meeting her gaze.

"You know, for a minute there, I thought Liam was going to tear the two of you apart." Anna comments.

"That would've made for an awkward ride home." Stiles rolls his eyes. "And you are never doing that again."

"What if he needs me?"


"What if he's going to kill you?"


"Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside La Iglesia, Liam?" Derek asks, ignoring the humans. In response, Liam flicks out his claws.

"Alright. We might actually be able to do this." Stiles realizes. Derek sighs and goes to open the door. He freezes, seeing a berserker controlled by Kate.

The creature throws him from the car. Liam immediately grabs Anna's hand and pushes her back. Braeden gets out of the car and start to shoot at the berserker in the midst of its assault on Derek.

The berserker runs away and Anna jumps out of the car and races towards Derek with Braeden. When Braeden tries to push her away, she snaps, "My mom taught me at a very young age most things about first aid. I'm basically a nurse."

Anna moves Derek's hand to reveal the bleeding wound and winces. "How bad is it?" Peter asks from behind her.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Derek insists. "Just get to Scott. Just find him. We'll be right behind you." Derek looks at Braeden. "Go. Go!"

Peter goes first with Malia following. Anna keeps trying to stop the bleeding but Derek shakes his head. "Go save your brother, Anna."

Anna shakes her head. "You need to stop the bleeding."

"Anna, go." Derek orders.

Arms wrap around her torso and Liam helps her to her feet. She lets him take her inside the broken church, too busy looking at the blood on her hands.

Peter leads the group through the tunnels underneath the building. "Stop! Stop, stop!" He commands. "We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

Someone's phone starts to ring and Anna looks at Stiles' pocket. "How do you even have service?" She hisses.

"Hi, dad." Stiles picks up, moving away.

Anna doesn't realize her hands are shaking until Liam grabs one to steady it. She sends him a grateful look as Stiles rejoins the group. "What do we do now?" Liam asks.

"Duck." Malia states, grabbing Liam and pushing him down. Liam instantly grabs Anna and positions himself over her to protect her.

A berserker swings its arm and Malia, Liam and Anna stumble forward as Peter yells for them to get back and run.

They reach a big room with an alter in the middle. The wolves stop but the humans get to another doorway before realizing the others' pause. "Go find Kira and Scott." Malia says, throwing Stiles the katana.

Stiles barely catches it and Anna grabs it from his hands. He makes a noise of annoyance but Anna looks back at a terrified Liam. "Liam—"

"Go, Anna." He tells her.

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